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"Geez. What took you guys so long?" Alex joked while jumping on Fleas back and snatching the bag of food from Anthony's hand.

"Too the kitchen, mighty steed!" She laughed as Flea made a horse noise and ran to the kitchen with the giggling girl hanging on his back. Anthony rolled his eyes while following the rowdy duo into the kitchen.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Anthony asked while opening the fridge to get himself a beer. "Hmm. What's in there?" She asked while coming up behind him and slowly resting her hand on his shoulder before replying, "A beer is fine."
The three of them sat around the table in silence as she began to devour the sandwich.
"This is good...Where'd you get this?" Alex asked while trying to make conversation to get rid of the uncomfortable silence.

"The deli around the corner..." Flea yawned while leaning back in his chair.

"Cool...Why's it so quiet...We need John to liven this conversation up," She laughed before leaning back in her chair and screaming at the top of her lungs, "Johnny boy!" A couple seconds later you heard faint footsteps that turned into loud 'thuds'. John bursted through the door followed by Chad yelling, "What!"

"I don't know why I called you. It's just so quiet down here." Alex laughed while stretching and kicking her legs up onto Anthony's lap. He rolled his eyes before sarcastically saying, "Thanks. I appreciate it."

"Your welcome." She winked while sticking her tongue out. Soon everyone was circled around the small table, drinking and talking about random things.

"Ok so this one time me and my friend Bill were playing a strip card game with these two girls. And the loser had to lick something off the other persons body and the girls lost. So this one girl was on her period so the other girl took her tampon out and not only licked it, she sucked it like it was a-" John began to randomly explain the very disgusting story in detail, only to be interrupted by Alex scoffing back, "John that is so gross. I feel sick to my stomach right now. Oh god. I can't believe you actually witnessed that."

"It was funny. Do you use tampons, Alex?" John teased, while noticing how tense she had gotten.

"Hey! Don't be an ass." Anthony chimed in while lightly squeezing Alex's foot that was resting in his lap.

"What? She's a girl. She gets her period. It's just a question...Anyway I'm bored. Let's play a game! How about truth or truth? It's just like truth or dare expect we spin a bottle and whoever it lands on has to answer the question we ask no matter what. No dares. Everyone understand?" John asked. Everyone around the table nodded there heads slowly and the torture began. The bottle spun for what seemed like forever. It began to slow down and ended up landing on Flea. Flea began to laugh while watching John try and come up with a weird question to ask his friend. Lighting up like a kid on Christmas, John giggled, "Would you rather have a full make out session with me or Chad?"

"Hahaha! Of course it's you Johnny-poo! Come give me a kiss!" Flea joked while making a kissy face at the laughing eighteen-year old. The game continued for what seemed like hours. And it did. It surprisingly was now nine o'clock at night. Stupid questions, and beer seemed to mix well for this game. That's until John seemed to have too many drinks and the bottle landed on Anthony.

"Anthony! My boy! My question is.....do you like Alex?" John slurred while giggling. Anthony wasn't even intoxicated and didn't find his question very funny. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Alex lightly blushing while burying her face into her hands. He didn't know what to say. He wasn't sure if it was that right time to say he liked her. He liked her. A lot. To him words couldn't describe the feelings he felt. But he wasn't exactly sure how Alex felt about him. He was afraid of embarrassing himself. What if she didn't like him? Taking a long deep breath he took a swig of the beer sitting in front of him and said,

It felt as if a record stopped. Fleas eyes widened as he immediately reached for a beer bottle, and began chugging it violently hoping he could drown out what he had just heard. Alex looked slightly hurt and embarrassed. Anthony quickly avoided eye contact with her and brushed a strand of hair behind his ear wishing he would disappear. The sound of his chair squeaking startled everyone as he stood up and snapped, "I'm going to bed."

"Anthony it's just a game-" John began to say as he was interrupted by Anthony snapping back, "Well then why don't you ask some questions that don't require you getting into anyone's business." The slam of the kitchen door caused Alex to jump as she quickly stood up and followed him out of the room.

Watching him make his way up the stairs she jogged behind saying, "Anthony...C'mon-"

"Go away, Alex. I don't even want to look at you right now. Just go away." He sighed while not even turning to look at her.

Frowning at his remark she continued following him up the stairs to there room. Making her way into the small room, the sound of the door clicking shut behind her caused him to scoff, "I told you to go away."

"Anthony. Shut up." She snapped causing his eyes to widen as she sat across the depressed boy on his bed before continuing, "This is ridiculous! I know what John asked wasn't right. But that doesn't give you permission to cause a scene and storm off! This isn't like you at all? What's going on?" Making eye contact with him she frowned.

"Alex....Can I just say something." Anthony said seriously while staring her in the eyes.


"I wasn't listening to anything you just said." He sighed before grabbing her face and placing a passionate kiss against her lips.

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