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Ugh. What time is it? I hope I didn't sleep in, Anthony sighed while stretching his arms and legs. Frowning against the weird warmth he felt his arm resting on, he opened his eyes and turned to see Alex passed out asleep next to him. She was curled up against his side and his face slightly blushed as he noticed his arm was wrapped around her waist in a comforting way. Quickly pulling away he stared at the ceiling while trying to register what he had said last night. He couldn't remember. Damn. Maybe I fell asleep. But why is she here? Did I tell her I loved her? Damn this is bad, he thought while biting his shirt and stare at her sleep angelically.

"What are you staring at, Kiedis?" She groggily asked while stirring and sitting up against the pillow his head was resting upon.

"Your ugly face." Anthony lied, while trying to keep the straightest face as possible. Grabbing the pillow, she laughed while smacking him square in the face.

"H-Hey!" He laughed while trying to grab the pillow from her hands. She backed up and laughed while trying to swing the pillow again but it was to late. Anthony grabbed the pillow and threw it behind him laughing, falling on top of the squealing girl.

"Anthony get off of me I can't breathe your so fat! Ew! Your hair almost got into my mouth!" Alex screamed out loud laughing, as Anthony tried to hush her as he looked at the clock that read seven-thirty in the morning.

"Shh! Your gonna wake everybody else up!" He laughed before smirking and continued,
"I don't know if I can move. I'm pretty comfortable where I am at the moment."

"Anthony Stop!" She laughed out loud as he began to tickle her. She began to laugh louder and louder. The two froze as he slowly pulled his hands away and his forehead rested against hers. Leaning in Anthony slowly pressed a soft kiss against her lips. She lightly blushed and played with the strands of his hair while softly kissing him back.

"You said you wanted to tell me something important last night but you fell asleep. What was is?" She asked while leaning her back against the wall, patiently waiting for an answer.

"Hmm...I can't remember." He lied while falling back into his bed and stared up at the ceiling thinking, why can't I tell her. I just kissed her and she kissed me back. Why can't I just say I love you?

"Oh...I see. Hm. I was so tired last night I just fell asleep here after you fell asleep in mid conversation. I better go and get some food. I'll leave you be." Alex mumbled while ruffling his hair, and continued to make her way out of there room. Slowly walking down the hallway she frowned while placing her fingers against her lips while thinking, why was he lying? What did he want to tell me? Her thoughts were interrupted as she made her way into the kitchen to see Flea cooking breakfast.

"Morning, Alex. I made breakfast for everyone!" He smiled while handing her a paper plate.

"Aw, Flea. That's really sweet. I'm sure it will be very delicious. Thank you." She smiled while giving him a quick hug. He nodded and continued making scrambled eggs for the others. She smiled while biting into the thin crispy piece of bacon while letting out a sigh of relief, "Flea. Can you cook me bacon every day? Pretty please?!"

"It'll cost you!" He joked while cleaning the dirty pans and dishes that were in the sink. He decided to break the silence and ask, "So...How's everything?"

"Good. I'm good." She lied before taking a sip of orange juice.



"You know, Alex. If something's bothering you....You can talk to me. I won't tell anyone. You know that, right?"

"Uh, Yeah! Thanks. Can I actually be honest with you?"


"I-I'm c-confused."

"Confused. Why are you confused?"

"I don't know. I have some feelings for someone. But I'm just not ready for a relationship. I'm just scarred from my ex. The slightest contact with someone else just makes me cringe. I can't even go a second without thinking of the hell I went through....ugh. It's frustrating."

"I see. Is this certain someone Anthony?" Flea whispered while taking a seat next to her, and squeezed her hand in a reassuring way.

"Yeah." She sighed while staring at him before laughing, "That actually felt nice to tell someone. I felt like I've had that bottled up for a long time. Thank you, Flea."


"It's just like when I kiss him I get butterflies. He makes me happy. And there's always a sense of doubt. That one day I'm not going to feel those emotions. And then I'll be the weak, useless person I was before."

"Hey. Come on. You were never weak. You were never useless. Your strong. You were always strong."

"Thank you. What would I do without you?" She laughed while placing her head onto his shoulder.

"Well for starters you would have no bacon." Flea joked.

"Who would have no bacon?" Chad asked while entering the kitchen and noticing the buffet that was spread before him. Quickly grabbing two plates he began to stack toast, pancakes, any breakfast food you could imagine into one giant sandwich. "Now this, children. Is how you make a Chad breakfast sandwich supreme." He smiled victoriously while trying to cut the mountain of food in half.

"No offense Chad, but I'm getting heartburn just looking at the thing." Alex said while raising a brow at the questionable dishes.

"Do I smell a Chad breakfast sandwich supreme?!" John screamed while entering the room and seeing the two dishes placed in front of Chad.

"Your damn right, Johnny-boy! I made you a plate!" Chad laughed while patting the chair next to him.

"You two are ridiculous." Anthony scoffed while entering the room to see the two trying to shove the giant sandwich's into there mouths. Pouring himself a cup of coffee, he turned to make eye contact with Alex who was sitting in between Chad and Flea.

"Morning. Something on my face?" He smirked while sitting down across from her.

"No. Your just ugly." She smirked back while grabbing his coffee cup and taking a long sip.

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