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"Mal," I call out.

"Yes?" She yells back from her room.

"Come do me a favour."

"I'm not giving you h—"

"No I need something else now."

It's quiet for a moment but she opens her bedroom door.

"What?" She groans, clearly annoyed.

"Shave this off will ya?" I run my fingers through my curly hair.

"Why?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I saw my ex girlfriend at Starbucks today and she said she liked my hair. Plus I don't want to actually go get my hair cut and then spend money."

"Okay fine. Get in the tub."

I get up from the couch, turn off the tv and head to the bathroom. I strip down to my boxers and sit in the tub.

Mal comes in and searches through the cupboard under the sink.

"Wanna do something tonight?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know. A club?"

"It's a Friday night."

"You say that like it's a work night. C'mon, work sucked ass this week."

"Oh cause you had a rough week," she says. "I had a co worker touch my ass after I told him to stop yesterday."

"What's his name?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yeah it does. What's his name?"

She finally finds the shaver and plugs it in. Then she sits down on the side of the tub.


"That itself is proof you work in an office. A white co worker named Randy. Randy what?"

"Randy Martens."

She's quieter as she runs the shaver through my hair and I see bits of hair fall.

"Anyway. About that club? Maybe I'll ask Ethan to go."

"Every time you guys are drunk and together you end up fighting."

"So? I won't be going home with him."

"No instead I'll be going home with your drunk ass."

"You'll be drunk too. You always complain about me but you become a horny son a bitch that can't walk for shit."

"Doesn't everyone? That would be if I asked you to define being drunk."

"I suppose. Anyway, I'm going, I've decided. I know you won't turn down going out. You never do."

"Yeah you're horrible. Two weeks ago I walked into work hungover and sleep deprived because you drag me to these things."

"Oh please, that's just what you tell yourself."

More hair falls and I can feel it down my back.

"Yeah whatever. I'm going to call a friend you haven't screwed yet so can you keep it in your pants?"

"Depends," I smirk.

"I'm not kidding Koda. I can't invite any of my friends over. It's painfully awkward as soon as you exit your room. Never dressed!"

"You rant about me to me too often."

"That's what happens when you scare all my other friends off."

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