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I open the car door to let Elle out. "Maybe I should've gone for a nicer dress. Everyone here has a lot of money and wears nice things and—"

"Elle you look beautiful don't worry about it," I say to her and she smiles to me as she adjusts the light pink dress.

I had my father set us up with a ride so we weren't arriving in an Uber.

We pass security before finally making it inside the very large and expensive looking venue.

"This... this place is so nice," she says speechless.

I pay more attention to how crowded it is with people I don't care about. They all look to be pretty well off.

"When do you think the ceremony is?" Elle asks turning to me. Her arm is linked through mine and she keeps close as we walk.

"I—uh I don't know. Let's see if we can find Luka."

"He came as Mal's date, right?"


We make our way through the crowds of people waiting to be lead outside for the ceremony. Everyone stands and talks with each other.

"I wonder what her soon to be husband looks like. I can't even remember his name."

"Joseph Ware."

Kate Ware. Or would it be Kate Hastings-Ware.

"How do you remember that?" I ask as I stand a little taller to look over peoples heads. Where the hell are they?

"Because these aren't just ordinary people, Koda. Joseph Ware is a well known actor."

"Calling people by there full names is odd. Let's call him Joe."

"You don't call Justin Bieber just Justin. Nobody would know who you're taking about."

"If we were at Justin Biebers wedding right now I would still just call him Justin," I say. "Oh-oh there they are."

Forgetting Elle is holding onto me I move a little to quickly and she stumbles. This causes her to glare at me but quickly my attention turns to someone else.

"Oh I see you sneaked you way in as well." I turn around to see Myah. Surrounded by tons of unfamiliar faces, especially of the girl she links hands with right after she makes to comment to me.

"Ariana Ware," Elle says quietly beside me.

Who the hell is she? And why is she holding hands with my sister.

"Care to... explain?"

"Oh this?" Myah points to them holding hands. "This is my girlfriend Ari."

This is how she snuck into the party. Cozying up to someone already invited.

Ariana Ware. Is she a sister? Cousin? She's gotta he related to Joseph somehow.

"I— yeah I'm not gonna question this right now," I say praticable yanking Elle away with me as I spin around and continue to find Mal and Luka.

Unfortunately I lost them.

"Are you not more curious about Myah having a girlfriend? I didn't even know she liked girls."

"She doesn't," I say. "Myah doesn't like anyone."

I continue to look around only half paying attention to Elle as she shoots questions left, right and center.

"Why is she dating Ariana then?"

"To be invited to the wedding."

"Why doesn't she just get an invite— oh that's right she had that public feud with Kate."

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