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I wake up and immediately feel all the pain in my head.

When I turn over onto my side I can see Luka still sleeping. The apartment is dead silent leading me to believe that no one is awake or that they left.

I sit up in my bed and the light from my window blinds me. I groan before checking the time on my phone. It's only nine.

Mixed with my killer headache, is the feeling of exhaustion but I'm already wide awake.

I rub my eyes and yawn as I lean against the headboard. I should really cut my hair again. It's begun to grow back.

I kick my feet to the cold ground before yawning and standing up.

I see my tie sitting on my dresser and am reminded I have work tomorrow, ew. Next to my tie is Luka's leather jacket.

It's starting to get old and worn out.

I spin around on my heels and walk over to the windowsill to sit for a bit. I'm not hungry at all nor do I feel like socializing in case some of the others are awake.

I sit for a while before I hear Luka shuffling around. When I turn to face him he's sitting up and looking at me. His black hair is everywhere and it's quite funny.

"Good morning," I say before yawning again.

He stays quiet but yawns as well.

He might try to look edgy but still looks adorable doing the small things.

"Mal awake?"

His voice is raspy.

"Dunno," I shrug as I face the window again. "It's only nine thirty ish."

"Think the others are awake?

"Not sure. You leave my room though, you risk having to socialize." I spin around to face him and lean against the glass. "I can imagine you'd love that."

He lays back down and buries his face into the pillow.

"Then I'm going back to sleep."

"Okay good luck with that."

I don't move from my spot. I just close my eyes as my head rests against the glass. I open them again in a couple minutes when I hear Luka moving around again. He sits up.

The sun lights up half his face and he leans back so that it's not in his eyes.

"You're going to have to ask Mal for a comb," I laugh.

He runs his fingers through his hair to straighten it out.

"You're real exciting to be around," I snort in a sarcastic tone.

"It's too early to be chatting."

"Well then go back to sleep or go chat with the others."

"Why wouldn't I just leave?"

"Thought you were gonna stick around for Mal."


"Well what better things do you have to do?"

He shrugs.

"I want to go to a pumpkin patch."

Luka furrows his brows.


"A pumpkin patch."

"That seems... so unlike you."

Oh please, what would you know.

"Mal and I made it tradition we always go to pumpkin patches and at christmas we go cut a tree."

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