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Mal left a couple hours ago and I walk around the apartment.

Bored out of my mind.

I've already had too much to drink and contemplate lighting a cigarette. Mal absolutely forbids I smoke in the apartment.

Maybe I'll just call Cam.

As I debate what to do there's a knock at the door.

I stop leaning on the wall and walk to the door. When I open it it's Luka.

"Mal home?"

"No," I say. Then we stand there awkwardly. "You can come inside if you want."

I don't know why I say that. We're just going to sit around in silence. Now I can't call Cam.

He nods his head as I step out of the way and he walks inside.

"Where's Mal?"

"On a flight to L.A."

"What? Why?"

"To visit her parents with Kate. I don't know, hash things out I guess."

"Her parents splitting?"

I shrug.

"From what Mal described they don't sound like they're doing all too good."

"Have they ever been?" He snorts before he sits down on the couch.

I walk over to the couches.

"Want something to drink?"

"Whatcha got?"

"Literally all we have is whiskey."

"Good enough."

All we ever have is whiskey. I don't even know why because Mal hates it and only has it when she's really upset.

I walk into the kitchen to find it and back into the tv room.

"We have an ancient CD player and a thousand disks," I say flopping down the the couch.

"I can see that. They're all Disney."

"Mal doesn't like scary movies. Only pure movies," I laugh and hand him the bottle.

I get up and kneel down near the movies.

I can barely read because the only light in the room is from the kitchen.

"Hundred and One Dalmatians, Ariel, Harry Potter, all the movies, uh we've got a thousand movies," I say turning to him.

"I don't know. Pick one."

"Uh. We also have netflix," I say. I forgot we have netflix. "We can just watch Friends."

"Been a couple years and both you and Mal make me watch Friends."

"You told me to pick."

"Fair enough."

I sit on the couch, grabbing the remote and turning on netflix.

"Which season?"

"I don't care."

"Okay season one because Matt LeBlanc is hot."

I don't think Luka knows I like guys. Oh well maybe Mal told him.

I click onto episode four. We end up watching Friends for about three hours and fall asleep till I get woken up by Cam calling me. I look to Luka who's asleep before. I end up staring at him for a bit. He's so peaceful. No glare or frown. Just a boy sleeping.

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