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Lmao it's exam week so this past month has been rough and I've just been updating pre written chapters. Ugh school sucks.

"I forgot to call you but Mal dropped by asking to talk and I invited her and Luka over for dinner," Elle says as I walk in the door. I nearly drop my bag holding my computer.

"What? How does Mal even know where I live?"

"I don't know maybe Luka told her."

"Luka has never been here? And for dinner? Elle you need to tell me this stuff. I haven't talked to Mal in almost two years."

Elle stands in the kitchen cooking something at the stove. She looks up at me and frowns.

"Sorry Koda, I just thought it'd be nice."

Sometimes dating Elle makes me feel like I'm 27. I'm so tired of drinking wine, which I never actually do, and having couples dinners.

I miss parties and vodka.

I shake my head as I walk away. I'm not completely mad because I have been wanting Luka to come over and I haven't seen him in a couple days but Mal, I haven't spoken to her. Besides at the party.

"How long till they come?" I call from my room. I leave my door open as I change into comfier clothes.

"Ten minutes. I started dinner a little late but it'll be done in twenty," she yells back.

"Okay." I quickly return back to the main room and start a bit of research for an upcoming assignment on my computer while we wait.

Elle hums softly in the other room and I get distracted trying to figure out what song it is. I'm interrupted by a knock at the door but before I can jump up to get it, Elle has already reached the door to swing it open.

"Mal, Luka," she smiles. "Nice to meet you Luka, I'm Elle."

I snap my computer shut and hop off the couch. I hate that they're here. Look at me with daddy's money living in this nice apartment.

I'm actually ashamed for them to see this apartment. It's not mine. I didn't work for this.

"See Lu, it's so nice here."

I walk over to them with my hands in my sweatpants pockets and I just stand awkwardly. Elle moves out of the way to let them in.

"Dinner will be ready in a bit," Elle says as she returns to the kitchen.

It so weird being the host. I'm too young to feel like Elle is my wife and we're having a nice dinner. No, I'm still the angsty teen. I'm not ready to be the adult in the situation yet.

"This is... quite an upgrade," Luka mumbles as he looks around.

Well actually if you consider the fact that I lived in the manor in L.A for several months before moving here, it was a downgrade.

"Hey look I think we should get this out of the way now. Mind going out into the hall to talk?" Mal asks me.

"Hey and leave me alone?"

"Lu you'll be fine."

I just shrug at Mal.

"Well it wasn't a question. Come with me," she says. "Elle we'll be back in a minute."

"Oh okay," she emerges from the kitchen as Mal drags me out of the apartment. "Where you go— oh okay bye."

Then Mal shuts the door behind me.

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