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There's a knock at the door so I just yell for them to come in. I know it's Cam.

"Hey Koda," he says shutting the door behind him.

I turn my head a bit to see him by the door.

"Come to the couch, I don't feel like getting up."

"Mal still in L.A?" He asks waking over and sitting down.

"She's on a flight back. She comes back in two hours or something."

"How's all that been going for her?"

"I talked to her a bit. I think she's arguing more with Kate then her parents are..."

I stop when I notice Cam frowning.

"You buzzed off your hair," he says shuffling over. Her runs his hand through what little hair I have. It tickles.

"Quite a bit ago. And you're just noticing now?"

"I liked you hair," he says moving closer.

"Why, you don't like this?" I smirk.

"I think I could get used to it," he says. His voice is hot in my ear.

Then Mal bursts through the door.

Way earlier then I expected. Cam and I both groan.

"Hey Koda. Hey Cam, been a while," she says. Her dark hair is in a messy bun and she lugs around a small suitcase.

"You never told me Koda was back," Cam leans over the couch.

"Since when am I the messenger. Hello kiddos, it's the twenty first century, use your phones."

She drops her bag to the floor and shuts the door.

"Why are you home early?" I groan.

"This is when I was supposed to get home," she says from the kitchen. "Although I would've loved to leave early. That was a good forty eight hours straight of arguing."

I turn to Cam and roll my eyes.


"Sure," he says.

"Okay. You pick."

He hops of the couch to where al the CD's are.

"We have Netflix you know."

"You can't watch Mulan on Netflix."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Ooh! I'm joining you two!" Mal calls from the kitchen. "I don't care if I'm interrupting your little date. I'll get the popcorn."

I snort as Cam picks through the movies to find Mulan.

Eventually Cam finished shuffling around and climbs under the blanket beside me. Mal walks in with two bowls of popcorn.

"You two are sharing," she says placing the bowl on my lap. Cam leans on my arm and Mal sits closely to my left.

It's barely even ten minutes into the movie before I fast asleep.

I don't wake up till the movies done. The same tune plays on a loop as the screen displays
Start movie
Resume from scene

Cam and Mal are both sleeping on either side of me. Luckily neither of them are leaning on me so I can easily slip out.

I head to the kitchen and grab a bottle of whiskey that sits on the counter.

This household is sad. We always have whiskey in the counter next to a box of fruit loops or lucky charms.

As I walk to the large window overlooking the city, I check my phone for messages.

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