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This chapter is really short but yeah okay bye enjoy:)

I wake up to my phone ringing.

Rubbing my eyes I sit up. Feeling a lot more sober then last time I was awake, I look around at where I am.

Luka is laying next to me on the bed in what looks to be a hotel or motel. Both of us are still wearing our shoes.

Before I take anything else in I pick up the phone.


"What room number?"

"What?" I mumble.

"I tracked you down using find my phone for Luka. You're at this shitty motel. What number?"

"Fuck," I mumble standing up. "Hell if I know. Let me check."

"What the hell are you two doing?" She almost yells. "I'm sick of you two acting like you're teenagers again."

I open up the door and without even needing to look at the door number I see her in the parking lot. She spots me and angrily walks towards me. "You're an adult."

I lightly shut the door behind me to talk to Mal.

"Yeah but I'm not thirty," I say. "You keep acting like at this age I should be getting settled down and married. In America I just turned old enough that I legally can drink now, shits just getting started at this age."

"Yeah but you have a girlfriend, so does he. It's my fucking birthday. Well, past now but you guys just get up and leave. You're supposed to go to bars and clubs not this shit."

"Okay well sorry. Your birthday was like an anniversary for someone's twenty five years of marriage. There was nothing fun about it."

She looks hurt but she knows I'm not wrong.

"All that shit aside. We needed to talk regardless. Before you just got up and left."

"About what?"

"It's not that big of a deal but I can't stand you being mad at me because I'm covering for Luka meanwhile you and him are tied to each other's side."

I look to Mal confused before looking down at a notification on my phone.

Elle: I'll be there in a couple minutes. We're going home

Of course Mal texted Elle.

"What do you mean covering?" I ask looking up.

"Like I said, not that big of a deal but... he asked me not to tell you. He said he didn't want to see you and that's why him and I were secret. I questioned it all the time and constantly bagged him about telling you because I couldn't stand lying. The longer we waited the bigger the lie got and he didn't seem to care. Koda I couldn't stand to hurt you."

She takes a deep breath in as I process the information.

"When you asked me a bit ago I lied because I didn't want to ruin your and Lukas current relationship because you both seem to be happy again."

"The drama with you two is never ending," I grit through my teeth.

I can ignore all of this and befriend Mal again, or I can ruin things with Luka again by asking him why.

It doesn't make sense.

What the fuck?

Why does this kid fucking hate me I swear to god.

An Uber pulls into the parking lot. Knowing it's Elle I walk past Mal without saying another word.

I don't say another word the whole ride home and neither does Elle.

As soon as we get to the house she has the same look Myah always does.

The one that knows something I don't. She realized something I haven't.

Already too exhausted with all of tonight's drama I tell Elle I'm going to bed and I walk to my bed room where I lay thinking for a bit.

I could successfully ignore them this time, or I could fall back into all this drama.

My entire life with these two since age 19 has been drama. Nothings been normal and I have no idea if it will ever be or if there's too much history and lies will keep being uncovered just like tonight.

I hear Elle walk into the room quietly closing the door behind herself.

She gets into bed and I can tell she's upset. She's not crying but something doesn't seem right.

"Elle?" I ask turning to face her. She seems a little caught off guard that I'm awake.

"Yeah?" She whispers.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. I could use a hug though."

"I could too," I smile light wrapping my arm around her as she cozies herself into my chest.

I frown when it doesn't make anything feel better. Her comforting doesn't make me feel happy or giddy. Empty in a way. Like she's a friend.

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