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Koda: whats the deal with Christmas?
Myah: it's not in L.A
Koda: here?
Myah: Yeah. Most of the family lives there and don't wanna fly out again bc they just did for thanksgiving
Myah: plus it's Christmas, everyone wants to be home
Koda: I might spend it with Mal
Myah: does she not have her own family to get to
Koda: idk
Myah: well mums expecting to see u. For some reason she's actually mentioned u a few times
Koda: oh
Myah: Whatever. Don't miss dinner. I mean I don't care if u do or don't but you can tell the parents

I stop abruptly when I nearly get run over by a bus. I decide to put my phone away till I get back to the apartment.

A thick layer of snow has covered the city. It's pretty from my room but walking through it isn't fun. Salt is everywhere causing everyone's car and shoes to be a mess. The slush from the curb is also annoying to have to walk through.

I cross the street with a crowd of other people.

It's a Saturday so it's quite busy.

My phone is buzzing so I take it out of my pocket to answer it.

"Hello," I say.

"Hey." It's Cam.

"Oh hey."

"Want to hang?"

I finally reach the doors to enter the apartment building.

"Maybe later. I have to go to a library to use a printer to scan something and send it to—"

"Yeah yeah, work stuff."

"Jobs suck."

"They do."

"Did you get the one you went to the interview for a bit ago?"

"Yeah," he groans. "It's where I work now and it's not all that exciting."

"Part time?"

"Yeah. I don't even need it," he says. "My parents already paid for my tuition and I really don't need money."

I fumble to find my keys while balancing the phone between my ear and shoulder.

I'm a little distracted so I just grunt as a reply.

"What are you doing?"

"Opening a door."

"Why do you make it sound—"

I drop my phone.

I quickly bend down, pick it up and swing open my apartment door impatiently.

"Sorry Cam I dropped my phone," I say to the phone as I shut the door behind me, walk a few steps forward and look to my left.

I nearly drop my phone again.

"I've got to go," I manage to say.

Mal practically straddles Lukas lap, both of them staring at me in horror. It feels as if I'm walking in on my date cheating.

"Koda," Mal immediately hops off Luka.

"You two are a thing?" I ask. "Or is this another one of those hookup you swore wouldn't happen again?!"

"Koda," she repeats again.

"You know I get off work at this time!"

"I didn't realize the time," she says quietly in a shameful tone.

My jaw stays wide open.

I don't know what to do. I don't know how to react.

Mal looks to Luka and they hold contact. He widens his eyes as if saying no and I'm so confused.

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