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Note: There is quite a time gap from last chapter for the sake of the plot. But hold on because this is where sh*t starts to hit the fan.


"Elle," I say trying to grab the girls attention. She's busy rambling on about Greek Mythology.

She looks up at me with her wide brown eyes. "Yes?"

"Just wanted to make sure you're coming to dinner tonight right?"

She just stares.

"Koda, of course. Why are you even asking. I've been begging to meet your parents for eleven months now!"

"Okay, okay," I smile to her.

My dad will be so happy. They've only known I've had a girlfriend for three months. I've had a girlfriend for twelve months. It's been a whole year.

I met her in an extra course I took back last September. A course on philosophy. I really don't remember what happened during that course because I didn't care but she helped me pass anyway. Elle is studying something history related. I'm more then certain she could've studied a much more difficult subject but she loves learning about history and English.

"I'm excited but also very nervous."

"Don't be."

She doesn't know who my parents are. I think it's safe to say I'm more nervous.

"I mean you've met my parents a hundred times. What was the first time like?"

I shrug.

I love her parents. They were born in raised in Croatia but moved here to have Elle. They're both English teachers at high schools. Elle lived in the same small neighborhood her whole life. I love their home. It's so full of love and it feels so much like a home. Her parents are the nicest too, the bake all the time. Elle is their only child besides their eleven year old golden retriever Maisie.

"Remember, it's Andrea's birthday party on Thursday and then the Halloween party is Saturday night."

"Yes I know."

Andrea is Elle's best friend. I get dragged into shopping with them and things.

"If you want to go."


She sleeps at my house most nights. For her birthday I bought her a Keurig to keep at my house because she always complains she can't make coffee. I use it to make hot chocolate. Somehow, a thousand of her mugs have ended up at my house. I also bought her a Pandora necklace she wears everyday.

"Okay," she says standing up. "I'll see you tonight, I'm off to class."

"Bye Elle," I smile.

She leaves the small Starbucks and I stay on the small couch next to the giant window a bit longer. The morning sun lights up the busy shop.

Eventually I leave because I have to go to the bank and grab some food for dinner tomorrow. Ever since I've known Elle she's always made me cook with her. We ordered food last night and I know she said she wanted stir fry for tomorrow so I have to go buy those ingredients.

As I'm walking down the street, peppermint mocha in my right hand, Phoenix calls.

I spoke to her last about a week ago.

"Hello," I say.

"Hey," Phoenix says. "We still have that date next week right?"

"Yes. Monday night right?"

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