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I get home from work and drop my bag to the ground.

By now it's been a couple weeks that Luka has been around.

I've been talking to Mal a bit more lately and even went to see a movie with the two of them yesterday.

The two hang out so much now. I never hang around Mal like I did a bit ago.

It makes me sad which turns into anger. But there's nothing I can do.

These past couple weeks I've been sleeping too much which affects my mood a lot. I've been a lot grumpier and haven't gone out much. Mal keeps nagging me to take my pills but I ignore her.

Koda: wanna do something
Kate: like a date?

A what?

We hang out all the time. What does she mean a date?

Koda: sure

If I date Kate, that will piss off Mal. And there will be nothing she can do about it.

Kate: Okay. When and where?
Koda: you pick
Kate: well I know ur broke asf, so the movies

I guess it's tradition the guy pays even though I'm broke and she's got an unbelievable amount of money.

Koda: when?
Kate: I'm free now?
Koda: sure. I'll check what's on

I switch over to safari to see what's in theatres right now.

I text her back with a couple options and she replies a few minutes later with a decision.

Myah: lmao have u heard what's going on with the Fulton's
Dakota: What? No?
Myah: there mom is in some cheating scandal rn
Dakota: What?? Rly??
Myah: grab a bin of popcorn and sit and watch people race to write reports on it. It's hilarious
Dakota: yeah well I'll have my popcorn because I'm going on a date with the daughter right now!
Myah: damn. Front row seats
Dakota: What are they even saying about it?

If anyone were to meet me, they'd think I was the cold sibling. But by far, it's always been Myah. She doesn't really care for people and loves stirring up drama when she's bored.

Myah: link
I click the link,

By Laura Kinsley
October 19

    Naomi Hastings, wife of multi-millionaire Marcus Hastings, has reportedly been caught cheating. TMZ reports her leaving the home of Chad Hadleigh's late last night followed shortly after photos of her and Hadleigh's  relationship were leaked.

I scroll to see zoomed in photos of Naomi and Chad in some tropical place.

I never liked the Hadleigh family. My father is friends with Chad and so I've met their two kids a few times.

Victor is my age and Sonya is twenty two.

They were always so picture perfect. Not only were they also dirty rich but they grew up close.

I close the report and go back to my texts with Myah.

Dakota: y is everyone reporting on
Naomi cheating and not Chad?
Myah: prob bc more people care about the woman cheating. Chads boring and is not cared about in the media the same way the Hastings are
Dakota: I'm surprised it wasn't our mom
Myah: ikr?? I mean Naomi has always been a shallow bitch who only cared about the fashion world but cheating on Marcus??? And for someone with a way lower net worth
Dakota: Guess u don't like Naomi
Myah: I think u forget, we the Fulton's hate the Hastings. Half the reason dad basically disowned you is your relation to that family
Dakota: u take after dad too much
Myah: he's ambitious. It got him places. Now compare where I am compared to where you are
Dakota: shut up I've got a date
Myah: right, with the daughter of a whore
Dakota: I take what I said back. You're an awful lot like mom
Myah: a gold digging bitch?
Dakota: bye

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