Gentlemen (pt1)

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Larry pov
Me and Lau are on our way to this club we are performing at.But the problem is we're are not the only one performing there.My ex Lylah is.I don't have a problem with her it's just it's gonna feel weird cause I cheated on her.The only time I see her is when i get Lilo and I'm always focused on Lilo so I don't pay attention to her.

We pull up to the club and there's a lot of people.When one of them people us getting out the car they screamed.Then they all starting screaming and yelling.I shook my head while me and Lau walked in.We have security guards so we we are good from getting ran over.We walk in and this place is filled.

We walk to the VIP section and i see her in a VIP section next to us

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We walk to the VIP section and i see her in a VIP section next to us.I didn't look at her for long cause I didnt want her to catch me looking at her.

After about 30 mins they introduce us and we dance.The crowds was going wild and so was us.I wasn't in the mood because I is it really wanted to leave.But of course Elenia told us we have to stay because there was some at the end.

They finally called Lylah and the crowd went crazy for her not surprising.She was looking around for  somebody and her eyes lands on us.She smirks then turns her head to her VIP section.I couldnt see what she was looking at but why did she smirk at us like that.

She gets of stage and goes the her VIP and grabs some one.I can't see the person clear because of all the people.This song starts to come on and i can see who ever she with better but I can only see the back of them and by the way she looks from behind she really thick,dark skin.
They started dancing to this song and they were really close.

Lylah had one hand around he waist and the other in the air.So did the women she was dancing to.I didn't know I was staring until Lylah looked at me and started to go in a circle while still doing the dance.
The song ended and a girl came out the crowd and i punch Lau in the arm not taking my eyes of the girls.

Lau-owww nigga wtf
Larry-look who's here.
Lau looks and he see his ex Jadee.He looked shocked at how good she looked.But now that I saw her I started to think.Is Lylah dancing with who I think she's dancing with.Jadee whisper something in the girl Lylah was dancing with and nudged her head in our direction.The girl turned her head and was my other ex Zariah.She smirked at me and came our way.
OK before we meat the ex's let me explain on why me and her broke up.We were in same high school all of us and i dated Zariah while Lau dated Jadee.They are sisters and really close in age.Zariah started growing into her body so she gained weight in a lot of place you would think men would like.Till this day I don't what was wrong with me.I told her to stop eating so much and she said it isn't her fault.I didn't care what she had to say so I cheated on her with some skinny white girl and purposely wanted her to catch me so we broke up.If I could take back what I did I would.Now to Lau' s ex.He said she was getting to dark so he didn't wanna be with her so he cheat on her.We were stupid and dumb asf.Im not like that I just did what I knew so did Lau.

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