Beating to Suicide(pt4)

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Both Larry and the girl covered their heads,screaming.I put my gun in the back of my pants.
Me-you don't deserve this bullet in my gun.Yall just a waste of my time specially you Larry.Im not surprised tbh. I'll be somewhere in the mall call me when you got some sense.
I walked out with my head down not bothering to put the groceries away.

I drove around LA thinking of life.How it would be with out Larry putting me on lock down,hitting me,cheating ya know.I had my music kinda low so I could think.It was my slow playlist.Yes I'm crying a little so I rolled all the windows down for air.
My music was interrupted by my phone ringing.It. was Larry,not suprised.I don't answer it the first time but he called again.I waited a few seconds then answered.
Me-do you want me to come back because I'm in trouble or something?
Larry-non,I just want you to come back and talk to me.In person.
Me-about what there's nothing to talk about.You fucked her,I'm just a toy so why should I care right?
Larry-belle your not a toy i-
Me- Larry miss me with that b.s.
Larry-belle just come home
I hung up and did a illegal turn.Glad there wasnt no cops.

I make it back to the hotel.Not scared if I get hit because it's a routine.I walked into the room and there he was pacing the floor.I closed the door and his head snapped up.He stopped in his tracks and just stared at me.
Me-you wanted me?
Larry-baby look I am sooo sorry.I didn't mean for nun of that to ha-
Me-save that for a slow day cause I'm pretty fast.You did mean for it to happened.I saw the bitch in the lobby before I left.She was smiling at her phone and shit.She saw me leaving and came to dis room.Tell me,how she know we was coming to this hotel?
Me-my point exactly I'm going to my room
Larry-get over here
Me-fuck you
I ran to my room but him having longer legs then mine he grabbed me by my arm and yanked me to the floor.He punched me in the face and I screamed.He tried to pin my arms down but I kicked him in his shoulder causing him to fall back,holding his shoulder screaming in pain.I crawled up,ran to my room and locked it.I slid down the door listening to him.
I heard him get up and walk away.He was now on the phone talking to I'm guessing Lau.

15 minutes later
I hear the front door open and Laus voice.
Lau-bro what happened?
Larry-look what she fucking did bro FUCK!!!
Lau-oooo merde mon frere  that shit looks nasty.Come on
I heard them leave.I wait a few seconds to make sure i can leave.I grabbed my phone and bookbag and left.

I went to this marijuana joint that sell it.I brought enough that was gonna last me for tonight.I went to the liquor store and brought Henny and Tequila.

I went back to the hotel and rolled me a gar and poured me a few shots.Being high and drunk isn't a good combination but I didn't plan on getting wasted.I sat at the island and stared at the balcony.Then looked at my wrist.I didn't like the idea I was getting but I was like I had to.I has shaking and crying,trying to stop my self but i couldnt.I said fuck it....

Larry pov
I'm in the hospital.They said I knocked it out of place but they said I have to keep weight off of it.I had the bad feeling crawling.Its like I need to go back to the hotel.I looked over at Lau and I could tell he had the same feeling.
Larry-j'ai un mauvais pressentiment mon frère(I have a bad feeling my brother)
Lau-j'ai aussi un mauvais pressentiment(I have a bad feeling too)
Larry-about Mikey
Doctor-ok Mr.Bourgeois you can go bu-
Me and Lau shot out of the room to the car.

We get run inside,to the elevator.When the elevator got us to the floor we ran to the room.I opened the door with the key and I didnt see her.
I walk to the kitchen and see a razor in a puddle of blood.I followed the trail that led to the balcony and saw her.She was sitting on the rail with a blunt.I was about to run up to get but she spoke.
She held her hand up in halt and we stopped.
Larry-b-baby please don't do this
I was tearing now.It was my fault,me pushing her to the edge.Now she wants to do this.
Mikey-why shouldn't I?I mean you do beat my ass like I'm some nigga on the streets.
She laughs and take another puff of her blunt.
Mikey-I never knew for some one to beat the ones they love.If that's the case why don't you beat Lau?Because you don't love me,you don't care.Im just some toy for you.I know you won't let me leave so this is my only way.You drove me to the edge to the point where I lost it.
I was listening to her and I was crying.Me,my fault,I did this.
Larry-b-baby please come over here and talk to me
Mikey-Larbear,I've tried.But when you hear something you don't like you abuse me.
I kinda tiptoe my way towards her so she wouldn't do nothing.I forgot she was bleeding until ahe started to wabble.
Larry-Mikey,please come over you are bleeding your high,your drunk please.
Mikey-it doesn't matter even if I was sober this what I would have done.
She threw the blunt over and turned and looked at me.She was crying and gave me a slight smile.I didn't like the way this scene was set up.
Mikey-you knew I loved you and never stopped loving you...
She turned around and looked at the sky tearing up more.
Mikey-but,you stopped loving me...
It's like everything went in slow motion.She closed her eyes,the blood from her wrist still leaking.She took in deep breath.
Then out.
She lunged forward and I never moved so quick in my life.I caught her  by her wrist but with my messed up shoulder.I yelled it hurt so back but she's not doing this.I was begging and pleading her to hold onto my wrist.
I felt my whole arm losing circulation.

??? Pov
I was walking down the street,on the phone talking to my friend when something hit my head.I looked down and it was a blunt.A lit one at that I looked up and saw a women hanging from the balcony.
???-ohhh sweet Jesus
Every stopped and looked up too.I heard people screaming,calling 911.I got my phone and called them my self.
911-911 what is you emergency?
Me-omg yes there is a women hanging from a balcony.
911-ok can you make out which floor?
Me-um idk the number but it on the top.
911-ok we will have police there In 5 minutes.
Me-thank you
I hung up and just stared.Some people were recording.I all of a sudden hear a man yelling from up there and another head over the balcony holding her up.I recognize him.
Mikey?Lau?Lau,Lau,LAU!!Les twins, Larry and  Laurent and Larry's girlfriend Mikey.
There was blood dripping from up there to the ground..God I hope she's ok.I heard the police and ambulance coming.

Lau pov
I went to call the ambulance when Larry damn near screamed my name.I ran to him to see him hanging over the balcony and no Mikey.I look over and see her but she's not moving.I help larry pull her up back over.Larry falls backwards holding his shoulder until he sees her not moving and crawls to her.I run out the room to find the paramedics who were coming down the hall but not In my speed.
Lau-hurry she's in here.

Larry POV
I sat her head on my lap while stroking her hair.I was balling my eyes out trying to wake her up.
Larry-belle please wake up.Please bebe,I'm sorry for everything I did to you belle.
I kissed her forehead and put it on mine.I was so broken I didnt hear Lau or the paramedics come in until they tapped my shoulder.
P-sir can you hand her to me she's losing a lot of blood.
I looked at her one more time and handed her to them.When I did the were working really fast strapping her to the bed and rolling her out.I slid down the wall banging my head on it.
Larry-is all my fault bro...
Lau rubbed my back cooing me.
Lau-it's ok mon frere,its ok...


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