Love hurts(pt1)

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(Something kinda cute and sweet but wouldn't be from me without drama soooo...)

I'm In my room laying down on the side,rubbing my stomach.He is really really REALLY kicking my ass.I throw the pillow between my legs.Lau comes out the bathroom with a towel on his waist,wet.I groan loud throwing a pillow at him.This isn't the time to be looking sexy and I'm in pain,hell no.

Toxic-this is not the fucking time to be sexy.
Lau-i wasn't trying but wuss wrong?
Toxic-he's kicking the fuck out of me.

Lau doesn't reply he puts on a pair of boxers then walks around the bed on his side.I close my eyes as he starts kicking again but harder.My hand was moved,so I open my eyes to see Lau rubbing my stomach where he's kicking.Lau starts kissing my neck to make me feel calm like always.The baby is due in 2 more weeks but he might come early hopefully not.Lau gets me where I'm about to fall asleep.He stops rubbing my stomach,so I open my eyes.He picks up my phone and head phones and connect them.He put the headphones on me and puts my sleeping play list on.He sets my phone beside the lamp on the night stand and starts rubbing my stomach again.He knows me so well and what calms me.I close my eyes trying to fall asleep since it's about that time and I already ate maybe 3 plates of what my love cooked.Lau lays his head on my neck closing his eyes trying to go to sleep also.I fall asleep a little after.

1:30 am
I start groaning in pain from the baby.I take the head phones off rubbing my stomach for him to relax and go to sleep.Hes not supposed to be awake.He calms down after awhile.I didn't wake Lau up cause he looked peaceful.

Got damn baby got me in pain
2:12 am
I'm shocken out off my sleep ,so I open my eyes on Lau is hovering over me.I start to feel my damp panties so I move the blankets and it's wet.
Lau-baby I think your water broke....

He puts me in the car with my blankets and pillows.With the doctor bages and our stuff.Before we left I grabbed a tub of ice cream...and a jar of pickles.So good.I already know they aren't gonna let me eat no real food there so why not.Lau already called Larry and he's on his way.All of a sudden I get really bad pain in my whoha.I lift my shirt and he is kicking but he's not the one causing the pain."BABYYY THIS SHIT HUUURTS HURRRRY."I yell at Lau."It's ok baby we almost there" he says laying a hand on my stomach softly rubbing it.

We make it to the hospital and the wheel me away to a room.This is my first child so I don't know what to expect scream and cry.But with my first child I always wanted to go fully natural no epidurals nothing like so.
Nurse-do you want the epidural?
Me-no it calmed down.Can I use my yoga ball
Nurse-of course we actually needed you to stretch anyways if you didn't get the epidural which you didn't get so of course.
Me-thank you
Nurse-no problem

Lau brought my ball in while the nurse was leaving the room.He sat it down and I carefully layed on it while Lau massaged my sides.After doing that for about 5 minutes I changed positions (not really) with my upper body on the ball and now he's massaging my back.My last position because I'm having contractions.I sat on the ball  with help by my wonderful boyfriend.He sat on the bed while I rolled my bottom part on the ball.I layed my head and arms on his lap while he rubbed my back.I started to hum and my breathing was heavy.

4 hours later
6:38 am

The nurse walked back in.
Nurse-so I'm going to massage you side to help the pain a little since your not getting the epidural.Dr.Mattson will be here shortly.
Lau-thank you 
Nurse-ok let me get start so Tomara(real name) I need you to stick you bottom out a little.
I did as I was told and she started massaging my side which was very relaxing.

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