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Ok this is a kinky chapter.Very sexual but I said that in the description before you read this book.
I wanted to try something different.

I know I know he gonna fucking kill me.I have a certain time.10 o'clock but it fucking 1 in the morning.Im so scared to go home.But if I dont its gonna be worse so I'm just gonna go home and deal with what ever happens.But imma try in sneak in.
Wondering why I'm late?I went out with my fucking friends and got to lit.Oh my god I hope he goes easy on me...but then again this is my third time coming in late and he said and I quote "Next time,next time you dont listen to me and dont come in on time....I wont just tie you up and leave the vibrator in you pretty pussy"....I know.

Before I pulled up into the drive way i turned the head lights off.I parked the car but i did a silent prayer before getting out."God please dont let this man kill me or do any unnecessary damage to my body that I want to stay the same until the day you take me lord jesus,Amen" I took a deep breath and got out not slamming the door.I unlocked the door as quiet as possible.I walked in and shut the door quietly then locked it...quietly.I was about to run-tip toe to my room but the lights in the living room by the front door turned on.I looked up at the sky shaking my head and whispered to myself.

Me-fuck my life....
I turned around on my heels and he was sitting there in a rolly chair with nothing on but black sweat pants and no shirt.He was staring at me then tilted his head to the side.

He scares me sometimes

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He scares me fuck that all the time.
Me-heeey bebe w-why are you up so late
He sucked in a deep breathe and look directly into my soul.
Larry-i should be asking you that question.Where have you been?
Me-...well I u-um you see i-i
Larry-you know what never mind that.Come on we're gonna go take a ride.
He gave me a death stare then walked up to me making me walk back a few step,and strokes my face with the back of his hand.
Larry-dont worry about that
Me- well c-can I go change first I feel uncomfortable?
Larry-sure,as a matter of fact...
He grabbed this black thing that goes on your body,a neck leash with spikes and black panties.
Larry-put this on and put those nice boots I like to see you wear and a robe.

I put it on and I ain't gonna lie I look bad asf in this

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I put it on and I ain't gonna lie I look bad asf in this.Booty looking good as always,leash on not to tight,heels looking fire and titties all out (fwi I have piercings everywhere.Nose,tongue,ear,nipples, and where the sun dont shine if you catch my drift.)
I walked down the stairs with the robe kinda opened in the bottom.Dont think I forgot about him knowing I attempted to sneak back in.Larry Is CRAZY.So I dont know what to expect.When I reached the bottom of the steps larry was standing now in a all black sweat suit and a bookbag on.
I saw him kinda smirk which creeped me out but I ignored it.
Me-yea I guess

We drove in silence and we were going in like where no one lives.Its really dark and creepy...I'd think he's really about to kill me.

He drove into the dirt road and this house out of nowhere appeared.
Larry-get out
He said so stern.I got out and the house so beautiful even tho we had to go up some steps.I just wanna know...why in the woods?Idk.I walked up the steps behind him.

He unlocked the door but moved aside from me to go in first

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He unlocked the door but moved aside from me to go in first. I did but he walked in after and slammed the door behind him.I turned around to see him livid while locking the door,throwing his bag on the floor and take his shirt off.He started to walked towards me pretty fast.I walked faster and when he pick up his pace then I ran upstairs,in heels.I found a room and ran in and locked it before he could get in.He started to try and kick the door down and bam on it.I walked backwards away from the door.
He kicked at the door making me jump.I hid in a dark corner I was so scared.He started to sweet talk me.
Larry-bebe open the door I wont hurt you.
Larry-bebe you make me mad open please mon amour.
He then just kicked the door down...well open.He looked around the room then looked at the corner I was in,straight at me.My heart was beating so hard.He slowly walked towards me smirking.He grabbed me by my throat,rising me out of the dark to the wall.He held my throat so tight I really couldn't breathe.I wrapped my hands around his wrist hoping to loosen his grip but doesn't.He gets in my face staring at me.
Larry-you think you can run away from me?You thought I forget belle?Let me explain this.This is my torcher house for you.I brought it for stuff just like this.Its like you want me to punish you.Come on let me show you my play room.
He let go of my neck and held on my wrist.He pulled me down stairs to I'm guessing a basement.
He walks up to this red door that says "Danger zone".He opens it with a key then kicks it open,pushing me inside.I looked around and this is a torcher room.

Me not pays attention Larry grabs me by my bun and pulled me to the middle of the room

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Me not pays attention Larry grabs me by my bun and pulled me to the middle of the room.He snatched the robe off me then put my wrist in some leather handcuffs on the ceiling.He walked to the other side of the room and grabbed something I could see until he came back over to me and put a gag on my mouth.I tried screaming and kicking but I received was a slap on the ass.He brought me closer to his face and stared in my soul.I got kinda nervous so my breathing picked up.
Larry-why you breathe so fast belle?Calm down I'm not gonna hurt you....
He walk away to the door then turned around.
Larry-...mmm yet
He laughed the went out.I screamed and kicked but of course no one heard me.This is why he wanted this in the no one could hear me.He came back in the "room" with that bag he was holding earlier.He sat in on one of the red seats and walked to me,holding the side of my face looking me in my eyes.
Larry-in this room...I am sir...
Stay positive

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