Bully Twins

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Zan pov
I fucking hate school.Like they love messing with me for no reason. Specially those fucking twins.They might be beautiful on the outside but demons on the inside.They fucking knock my books down,push me,call me names.I use to like them at one point but now they are some bitches.Anyways I'm getting ready already did my hair.Its pretty long...when I stretch it and curly.

I grabbed my phone,keys,money,charger, lip gloss and put it in my book bag

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I grabbed my phone,keys,money,charger, lip gloss and put it in my book bag.I had all my books in another bookbag ready to go.

I went down stairs and my mom was still sleeping.She most likely just got home from work.I gave her a kiss on the forehead and left.

I go to the store first because...I need food.I grab a Snickers,bag of lays,a apple and pineapple juice.I pay then I'm on my way to school.

30 minutes
I park in the back because I don't like parking by people.I don't have "friends" I'm very anti-social.I just came here 5 months ago but hey 1 more months till school is over.I get out the car and walk towards the school doors.
I heard the very irritating voice sing my name.I ignored it and continued to walk.The halls were mostly empty because people were in breakfast.I turned the cornern walking to my class when I was forced by my neck to the nearest wall.It was them Larry and Laurent Bourgeois.The twins everybody loves...except me.Laurent was the one choking me pretty hard if I do say so my self.He was towering over me with his eye brows frown.He got really close to my lips like he was gonna kiss me but I sunk my body down a little but he choked hard.I wrapped my two hands around his wrist trying to lose his grip but he doesn't let up.

Laurent-i called your name.Why didn't you answer?

He smirked at how I could hardly breath.His twin was leaning on the wall,looking around the corner for people.
My lungs felt like they were gonna burst from not getting air and my feet were barely touching the floor.I wrapped one of my hands around his neck,getting no effect.My eyes started to roll in the back of my head.Then he let's me drop.I never been so happy to breath air in my life.He bent down and wrapped his hands on my chin forcing me to look at him.His eyes were dark with hate in them.

Laurent-next time answer me or it will be way worse.

He got up and walked away.I got my stuff and walked to class.I know there's a mark on my neck but who cares?No one did then why should they now?

It's the end on the day and I had after school for art and gym.It gets dark early now.

It gets dark early now

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