Run away

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Xirella McCarty
Ability: laser eyes,invisibility,Flexibility

Laurent .N. Bourgeois
Ability:shape shifter,mind sync,tattoo powers

Larry .N. Bourgeois
Ability:mind sync,time pause,Steel skin

Xirella's pov
The world is turning on us,on us non-humans with dangerous abilities to wipe out the whole human race. It was already hard being a African American kid here but now that my powers have gotten more advance i sometimes have to control my anger or people close to me will die.The cities are up in flames.

Right now I have all camouflage on with goggles because if I take these goggles off everyone dies.The camouflage is to blind in.

I'm running threw the forest to the hospital because I'm getting picked up by my best friends from a helicopter

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I'm running threw the forest to the hospital because I'm getting picked up by my best friends from a helicopter.Its dark out side so the government people cant see me.
On my way to the hospital,in the woods.Theres a river.I have to get cross it so I jumped in no questions.

When i get to the other side I start running again.But i felt someone watching.I look around and see no one.I go invisible and walk slowly backwards into something soft but hard.I turn around to lion?.....a FUCKING LION.I don't think It can see me but I'm pretty sure it can smell me It starts sniffing around while I'm backing up again.Then I hear a voice right in my ear.
???-show your self
I look around and see no one besides this damn lion.Out of no where a arrow goes right by my face to a tree beside me.I look at where it came from and it was this tall,Steel man with a black white beater and greenish army pants with boots and long curly,natural twist.He then speaks to someone.
???-its looking at us but I can't see it.

Again out of no where,what I thought was a lion turns into the tall long haired,caramel,man with tattoos.Then the steel man turns to its self.A clone of sexy Beast man.😏
???-its a female
???-how you know?
???- she call you sexy beast man
???-oh...come out we won't hurt you...
???-im sorry bro

They stand in front of me and looks around.
???-We are right in front of her.

Me-are they like me?
I thought to my self.
???- it depends.Are you running from the government too?
It sounded right there in my ear.So I replied again in my head.
Me-it depends are you with the government?
???-Non,do you have a necklace?
I slowly open my eyes not looking at them but looked at the red diamond necklace around my neck. Every un-normal entity has one of different colors.Mines was red.Since they can see what I'm looking at I look at it.

???- she's one of us.You can come out now.

I was unsure but I did.I reappeared looking up at them.May I say they are gorgeous.
???-what you name?
The one with short hair asked
???-cute,my names Larry and he's Lau or Beast man.
He smiles at me showing his cute bunny teeth.I smiled back.
Larry-hey hey hey I'm non cute.Im sexy
Lau-where you come from?
I can tell he's the more serious one by the way he asked the question.
Me-uuhh Miami.How about you?
Lau-new York,wait how did you get all the way here.
Me-i was here on vacation and then my phone went of saying all mutants report to government headquarters or be terminated.So I got all the thing I need,that I can run with.I had a car but it ran out of gas so I left it.

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