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Larry-you understand?
He took the gag out and came right in my face?
He pinched my nipple really hard not talking his eyes off me.
he said in a stern voice it kinda made me jump.
Me-y-yes sir...
Larry-good girl.
He turned around,walking to his book bag then taking it to the black table on the other side of the room.
Larry-You scared me for a second I thought we were heading off to a bad start....
He turned around and faced me with a belt in his hand.
Larry-i wouldnt want you screaming already...but this is a punishment belle dont think you will have a pleasant time here because you wont...
He grabbed the bag again but moving it to a table next to me.When he started putting stuff on the table from his bag I got kinda scared.

It sent chills through me.He turned around placing the gag in my mouth again then he put clips on my nipples.I want to scream so loud but this damn gag was preventing me from doing that.He grabbed the rope and tied my thighs to the rope so my legs were opened but hanging in his face.He rubbed his thumb over my slits in my panties.I sighed trying to hold in the results of his touch.He walked back to the table and grabbed on of those...microphones,the pink one.
Larry-pinks one of your favorite colors right?
I nodded hesitantly at the question.Ive seen one of those before but I really didnt watch how they use them.He walked back to me not taking his eyes off me then pressed a button on the device.That sounds crucial.
Larry-this is a Hitachi.This will make you scream BUT I dont want you to scream or cum...until I say so,yes?
I nodded once again.When he place the Hitachi on my p***y I felt like crying.He said i cant make sounds or cum.I wanted to kick and scream so bad but knowing him...I didnt.
He pulled these two pink things out his pocket one was a oval shaped and thin end and the other was like a remote.I could probably figure out what it was but my mind was shuffled.He placed the oval one in me then pressed the button on the remote.I sighed loudly trying to control myself but barely.
I felt my high but he said I couldnt cum so basically cried.Literally had tears rolling down my face.He didnt get fazed but "hmphed".

He put my over a black,curved,chair with my ass in the air and my hands behind my back.He grabbed the whip looking thing and came face to face with me holding it in my face.
Larry-see this?
I nod
Larry-im gonna use it on you and I dare you to cry...
He got up and went behind me.I fear him...a lot.
Unexpectedly he swung his first hit,catching me off gaurd.I whimpered, kicking my feet because he was swinging so hard.

This went on for about 5 minutes.Now he wanted to please him self with me.He left the room taking some stuff with him.I didnt know where he went but he was gone for a while so I tried to get out of the cuffs.I always keep a hair pin in my hair so I took it out to pick the lock which it worked.I untied my legs and slowly opened the door.Your probably like "Why are you running I would stay"....nooo sweetie see I know him to well.He taking way to long meaning he setting something up somewhere else meaning I need to hit the track.I looked around cautiously while going to the front door.
I twisted the knob and shit was locked FROM THE INSIDE.
I said to myself I tip toed up the stairs looking around for another way out.
I kept some of the rooms but came to a certain door and something told me to keep walking...BUUUT me being me I opened it walking all the way in.

It was nice but I got closer to the bed and there was 4 pair of hand cuffs,a gag, a Hitachi, and a collar

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It was nice but I got closer to the bed and there was 4 pair of hand cuffs,a gag, a Hitachi, and a collar.I heard the door close and I look up rolling my eyes.
Me-fuck me
I sigh the slowly turn around to a naked Larry.He started walking towards me while I walked backwards.
Larry-i knew you would show up.How did you get out?...
Me-.....I forgot...
Larry-really?Maybe i should fuck you up and see if you remember then.Like destiny I fell back on the bed him climbing on top of me.He pinned my arms around me, grabbing a pair of cuffs  and cuffing my wrist together.
He didnt want to waste no time and pushed himself into so rough I let out a big sigh.He thrusted faster keeping a paste he liked.
Larry-why were you home on time? *hisses* huh? fuck
Me-aahh I'm sorry
He grabbed the gag and forced it in my mouth.
When he had it on he wrapped his hand around my neck, pulling me to his face.
Larry-look at me while I fuck you

Larry POV
She looked up at me slowly trying not to roll her eyes.I dont think she knows how much she turns me on when she diss behaves.Her light brown eyes were so glassy like she was about to cry.I didnt notice how hard I was fucking her until her eyes shut and she got louder.
I rested my hand over her,letting go of her neck with my other hand.I wanted to dig in her.Touch a place no other has or will touch.I pushed her legs to her shoulders fucking her deeper.She squeezed her eyes close,clutching one of the pillows in her hands above her.But I was mad she stayed out later than what I told her.She wants to stay out with her friends and get drunk.Shes a beautiful melanin women.And I dont need no other man trying to touch her or talk to her.Shes mine and only mines unless I decide someone can join me which I doubt.

I could tell by her breathing she was about cum.Im gonna let her cum because I'm about to cum too.I leaned down and suck on her neck leaving marks.I whispered a question in her ear.
Larry-you about to cum?
She nobs
Larry-you can cum...
Right when I say it she does and starts shaking ridiculously.She thinks she looks dumb so hides her face but I pin the cuffs above her to see her face.Her mouth was parted witha hitch in her breathing.I pulled out and cam on her stomach.
I fell ontop of her listening to her breathing.I took the gag off so she could talk now.
Larry-you good?
Larry-good dont do it again
Larry-...yes what?
Larry-good girl
hi love bugs
Just something cause I was bored

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