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Park Chanyeol.

Byun Baekhyun has had a crush on him for years.

No one knew Baekhyun was gay, except two of his closest friends Chen and Luhan. Baekhyun tried to forget about his crush on Chanyeol but he can't help but dream of Chanyeol at night.

He tells himself he's over Chanyeol. Yet whenever Chanyeol touches him he still turns red and feels happy inside.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol have been friends for years, and in the first two years were great but as Chanyeol met more people and their group grew Chanyeol spent more time with other friends.

But Baekhyun was still always there for Chanyeol, and sometimes they'd text for hours talking about how Chanyeol felt when he was sad. Others times Chanyeol would act like Baekhyun didn't even exist.

It was so painful for Baekhyun to hear Chanyeol talk about his crushes. Popular girls. Baekhyun wanted Chanyeol but he had the accept that Chanyeol was straight and it will always be that way and if Chanyeol were to become gay or bi he wouldn't like Baekhyun. Chanyeol spent lunches and hung out with Baekhyun after school yes but it would always be with other people. Their friendship was very complicated but Baekhyun couldn't let go. He needed Chanyeol in his life.

"Hey Chanyeol wanna hang out today?" Asked Baekhyun running up to Chanyeol right after class ended.

"Sorry. I'm going to Yerim's birthday party today with Sehun and Jongin. I'm hoping she's into me." Said Chanyeol adjusting his bag.

"O-Oh well you have fun." Baekhyun fake smiled.

"Thanks man." Chanyeol patted Baekhyun's shoulder and ran off to find Sehun and Jongin.

Baekhyun sighed.

Of course, he'd pick Yerim's birthday party over a stupid hang out with you what were you thinking Baekhyun?

Baekhyun's friends Chen and Luhan find Baekhyun sadly standing by himself.

"Hey Baekhyun!" Yelled Chen.

"Baekhyun are you alright?" Asked Luhan.

Baekhyun glances at Chanyeol in the distance with his other friends.

"Park rejected you again?" Said Luhan annoyed. "What for this time?"

"His longtime crush Yerim's birthday party. Of course he'd reject me." Said Baekhyun sadly.

Baekhyun's current friend group was Chanyeol, Luhan, Sehun, Chen, and Jongin. The six of them would sometimes split up and Chanyeol would spend most of his time with Sehun and Jongin while Baekhyun spent most of his time with Luhan and Chen, and recently a boy named Kyungsoo joined them too. Baekhyun wished he could be around Chanyeol more again but he can't since Chanyeol prefers Jongin and Sehun.

"Hey let's just have a sleepover!" Said Chen. "My house!"

"Ok! Baekhyun?"

"Yeah sure."


"Let's go out I'm bored~" Said Baekhyun.

"Well where do you want to go?" Asked Luhan.

"I dunno a cafe or something?"

"Ok there's a nearby cafe let's go." Said Chen.

The three arrive at the cafe and sit down with their drinks in their hand. They start sipping on their drinks and talking about life until they see two people enter the cafe. That look exactly like Jongin and Kyungsoo.

"Jongin? Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun called out.

"O-Oh hi!" Said Kyungsoo.

"Weren't you going to go to Yerim's party?" Asked Chen.

"Well I was there but after 30 minutes I couldn't handle it and called Kyungsoo." Explained Jongin.

"How come you couldn't handle it?" Asked Baekhyun.

"Well Chanyeol only talked to Yerim the entire time and Sehun and I got bored quick so he went home and I called Kyungsoo to hang out."

Baekhyun's heart hurt at the thought of Yerim getting even close to Chanyeol.

Well, at least he's happy...

Baekhyun needed to prepare himself to hear "I got a new girlfriend and her name's Yerim" on Monday and try to be happy for him. Baekhyun almost burst into tears at the thought.

first chapter 🎉 I hope y'all like this...and people actually read it.....

My Best Friend {CHANBAEK/BAEKYEOL }Where stories live. Discover now