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"Get in the car Jisung!" Chanyeol rolled down his car window, calling his cousin.

"Coming!" Jisung grips his backpack and runs to Chanyeol's car.

The two talked the whole- short ride about high school and about how it's more complicated than it should be, then Chanyeol arrives at Jisung's home.

"Hey Chanyeol come in for a bit, mom wants to see you!" Jisung called Chanyeol.

Chanyeol agreed and went up to Jisung's home and greeted his aunt, she thanked him and she also talks about how she should start paying him and Chanyeol kindly declines. Chanyeol was suddenly hit with the realization that he had plans with Jongin and Sehun today.

"I'm sorry but I have to go now! If you need me to pick up Jisung again next week I'd be happy to!" Chanyeol says as he stands up.

"Thank you again Chanyeol! Bye!"

Chanyeol runs outside the building and starts walking towards his car and bumps into a man holding a short stack of books and a cross-bag on his shoulders.

"Oh my god I'm sorry!" Chayeol apologized when the man drops a few of his books.

"It's totally fine! Thanks." Chanyeol hands him the book.



Luhan recognizes the tall male almost immediately.

"It's been a while! Why haven't you contacted me? You...Chen..and...B-Baekhyun."

Luhan's eyes widened, "Hah I don't know."

"So what do you do now?" Asked Chanyeol.

"Chinese teacher, I teach at the High/Middle School over there." Luhan points to the tall building in the distance pretty close to Luhan's apartment.

"Oh..you must teach my younger cousin then Jisung! Ah that all make sense..."

"Hm? Did he talk about me?" Asked Luhan.

"Err- well-"

"It's about me being gay and having a boyfriend right?" Asked Luhan.

"Y-Yeah...What's up with that? If you don't mind me asking-"

"Oh I was with Baekhyun, yes it is true I'm gay but-"

"Baekhyun?" Asked Chanyeol.

"Yes but-"

Chanyeol's phone starts ringing, call from Jongin.


"Come home! Now!" Jongin shouts.


"Yes!" And Jongin ends the call immediately after.

Oh what polite friends I have.

"I gotta get going. Something with Jongin and Sehun. Nice running into you!" Luhan waves back at Chanyeol as he rushes back into his car.

His eyes widen at the thought of Luhan and Baekhyun dating. He knew they were very close friends but he didn't realize they'd even think about taking it further. Chanyeol massages his temples trying to calm himself down.

'Luhan...Baekhyun together?! That's not right...at least I know he's still in Seoul. I'll find you Baekhyun..'

Chanyeol later arrives at his and Sehun's home, he opens the door and finds Jongin groaning in frustration on the couch and sees Sehun holding up two hangers.

Sehun came out to his mom the day of graduation but things didn't work out. She wanted him to change so she pressured him on getting a girlfriend, he met a girl named Chaeyoung and they started dating, Sehun's mother loved the girl and wanted them to get married as soon as possible so Sehun would forget he was even gay for a point in his life. She bought the couple a small house after only one month of dating and even talked about him proposing multiple times. But Sehun showed 0 interest in the girl. He didn't like her in that way at all and after some time, Chaeyoung stopped trying. She had taken an interest in Chanyeol and she even asked him out, but Chanyeol rejected her and reported it to Sehun since it gave him an excuse to tell his mom to let him break up with Chaeyoung. They never saw her again but his mom didn't stop trying. She tried to set up an arranged marriage but all the girls lost interest in Sehun within days because he didn't give them any attention. So his mom gave up and finally supported him. Sehun never moved out of the house though and didn't see a point in moving back to his mom's house. So Chanyeol and Sehun started living in the house together since there were two bedrooms and enough room for two people. Although they've never taken an interest in that way in each other, and never even thought about going anywhere further than best friends.

"What are you doing?" Asks Chanyeol as he slowly approaches the scene.

"Jongin brought home a bunch of clothes from America yet he can't pick something to wear!" Explains Sehun in an annoyed tone.

"Nothing looks good enough! I need to look good for Kyungsoo! Who knows he could've been crushing on another person since I was gone!" Yells Jongin.

"I can't do this—" Sehun sets the hangers on the couch next to Jongin and walks away, "you choose on your own I can't do this anymore."

"FINE I'LL JUST WEAR THIS!" Jongin picks up a light brown dress shirt and black jeans and stands up going to the bathroom to change.

Jongin comes out of the bathroom in the clothes he'd picked up but with the first  3 buttons unbuttoned.

"Jongin you're hot." Sehun blurted.

Jongin laughed, "Kyungsoo will think so too right?"

"If he doesn't then there's something wrong with him." Said Sehun.

"I hope he's still into me..."  Said Jongin sadly.

"Looks like we're meeting some old friends today."


so I wanted this chapter to be much longer but guess what? IT SOMEHOW GOT DELETED :D  I want to have frequent updates so I hope to also have the next chapter out soon.

Till the next chapter!
            - @chanbaekstempo

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