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"Chanyeol...Luhan and I aren't dating. Where the hell did you even hear that?" Asked Baekhyun.

"What? I asked Luhan about the rumors and-" Chanyeol thought for a moment and realized he never got a clear answer from Luhan, and he'd just been assuming the whole time.

"Chanyeol that was years ago I'm so over it." Baekhyun lied, "Why do you care anyway?"

"I-uh..we were good friends and I was hoping we could return to that and...I just want you to be happy." Chanyeol hid his face in embarrassment.

"It's alright Yeol I appreciate it...I was hoping we could be friends again too." Baekhyun patted Chanyeol's back softly.

Things got extremely awkward after Chanyeol bursting out his feelings. Obviously! They're friends, good friends? Chanyeol didn't understand his feelings towards his ex-best friend but he knew it was something more than friends.

Close friends?

Best friends?

Way too close friends?

Chanyeol thought for a moment...


No no...it couldn't be, Chanyeol rejected the fragile boy years ago, why would he randomly get these feelings now? And even if Chanyeol really did have feelings for him, Baekhyun would obviously reject him, he clearly moved on.

The room was quiet, other than the sound Luhan and Sehun's laughter, it was dead quiet.

"Well, what happened with you and Yeri?" Asked Baekhyun breaking the silence.

"Broke up with her after high school, her mom didn't like me and our parents didn't like each other, we kinda felt like we had to." Explained Chanyeol, "Honestly, it wasn't hard at all on me I'm fine. I think she would've been a good friend though."

"Sad." Said Baekhyun blankly, "Do you still keep in contact with her?"

"Kind of, we don't text just because we feel like it or anything, we haven't met up since high school, and the only times I talk to her is of
I reply to one of her posts of something."

"Oh..sorry for the sudden question though, I was just very curious to see if you lasted." Said Baekhyun sipping his water.

"What did you do after you left early?" Asked Chanyeol.

"Nothing interesting. I took a break and went to college the next year, graduated, and found out my friend Heechul opened up a restaurant and offered me a job, pays well and I get to work with friends so I'm happy." Explained Baekhyun.

"Ugh. I need to get a proper job." Groaned Chanyeol.

"Why what are you doing now?" Baekhyun laughed.

"Random people like family, friends, family friends, friend's families just ask me to sing at events or play on my piano or guitar and pay me for it." Said Chanyeol, "This is why I have to live with Sehun, how it works is because Sehun paid for the house I do the cooking and cleaning because Sehun is a lazy ass."

Baekhyun laughed and smiled at Chanyeol's situation.

God his laugh is still so damn cute...

"Oh god, are you planning on moving out once you get a job?" Asked Baekhyun.

"Maybe, I don't like living alone. I get lonely." Chanyeol smiled.

"Aw you're like a baby." Smiled Baekhyun.

"A baby?"

"You know some babies cry all night and they need to know that they aren't alone to sleep in peace." 

"Hm, I guess so." Chanyeol just thought for a moment.

Although his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his ringtone.

"Hello?" Chanyeol answered the phone.

"When are you guys coming back?" Asked Jongin.

"Uhm not sure, why?"

"I'm bored."

Chanyeol sighed in annoyance, "Okay we shouldn't have left you anyways. We're coming now okay?"

"Okay! Bye!" Jongin ended the call.

"That was Jongin, we left him at home to come here." Chanyeol laughed, "We shouldn't have left him there, I'll see you around Baekhyun!"

Chanyeol went into the other room to get Sehun and the two said their goodbyes and returned home.


Y'all I give up on having an updating schedule it's so stressful haha...sorry this might've been a bit late I guess, boring as well? 

My Best Friend {CHANBAEK/BAEKYEOL }Where stories live. Discover now