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When Chanyeol left the restaurant Baekhyun sighed in relief.

He's gonna come dancing back into my life, isn't he?

Baekhyun has gotten over Chanyeol (well that's what he tells himself) but he certainly hasn't forgotten the giant. He still remembers everything. He tried not to think about it but the second he saw Chanyeol all those memories came rushing in. Baekhyun had so many questions.

Are Chanyeol and Yeri still a thing?

If not what happened?

How did Chanyeol take things when he left?

Does he hate him?

All these questions spun around Baekhyun's mind. Yet they all remain unanswered.

"Baek...why did you pretend you forgot about Chanyeol?" Asked Kyungsoo as Baekhyun wiped the tables.

"I-I didn't pretend! I just...had gotten over him.  The memories are slowly coming back to me now." Baekhyun lied.

He had remembered everything. After years of not thinking about his memories with the tall boy, he thought of everything, and almost burst into tears.

"I know that's a lie but okay. He gave you his number right? Meet up with him! Answer the questions you've been asking yourself!" Kyungsoo tried motivating Baekhyun.

"I-I don't know..."

"Hey, what if I set up a double date. Me, Jongin, you, and Chanyeol." Kyungsoo suggested.

"Really?! I mean sure I guess..."

"It's settled! I'll work it out with Jongin." Kyungsoo pulled out his phone, "Text Chanyeol! Try getting close with him again! I'll see you later okay?"

Kyungsoo walked away, Baekhyun removed his apron and pulled out his phone, his finger hovered over Chanyeol's name. Baekhyun sighed and clicked the "call" option.

Chanyeol was sitting on his couch with Jongin to his left and Sehun to his right, watching whatever the TV had to show. Until he had gotten a call from an unknown number. Chanyeol hesitantly answered it.

"H-Hello?" Said Chanyeol regretting answering the call.

"Hey Yeol! It's Baekhyun."

Chanyeol silently started panicked and Sehun started whispering 'what' at him as Chanyeol stomped around the room nervously.

'it's Baekhyun!' Chanyeol mouthed at Sehun.

Sehun, who was still confused, continued whispering 'what's at Chanyeol. Jongin seemed too into the movie or something to notice what was happening.

"Oh hey Baek! What's up?" Chanyeol tried sounding calm.

"Nothing. After you left I got to leave too."

"Are you home now?" Asked Chanyeol.

"Nope almost though. Hey...do you wanna visit? You know just to fully catch up?" Asked Baekhyun.

"C-Come over?"

"Yeah! Is...something wrong?"

"No! Not at all, I'm coming right now!" Says Chanyeol excitedly.

Baekhyun laughed cutely, "Yeol you don't even have my address! Calm down baby I'll text it to you."

'IM SORRY DID HE JUST CALL ME BABY?' Chanyeol screamed on the inside.

Chanyeol heard shuffling and unclear whispers after which concerned him, "Yeol can Sehun come too?"

"What why?" Asked Chanyeol a bit upset,

"Luhan missed him I guess."

oh phew-

"Of course!" Chanyeol tried sounded like he wasn't just about to blow up.

"I'll see you later?"

"Okay. Bye Baekkie." Chanyeol tried sounding calm but was indeed failing.

"Bye Yeolie." Baekhyun hung up.

Sehun turned around to face Chanyeol, "Baekkie? Baekkie...Baekhyun?"

"Yes.,  I'm going out and you're coming too!"

"I don't wanna go out!" Sehun whined.

"We're seeing Baekhyun and Luhan."

"Coming!" Sehun ran and hit his face on the door.

"Idiots." Jongin laughed at his friends as his eyes were still glued to the TV.

After ending the call with Chanyeol, Baekhyun shrieked.

"So...are they coming?" Asked Luhan.

"Yep! Both of em!" Baekhyun clapped his hands.

"I'm so nervous Baek...what if Sehun doesn't even care about me?" Asked Luhan.

"I'm nervous too...but it's okay. If he doesn't like you it's his loss!" Baekhyun tapped Luhan's shoulders.

"You think so?"


I feel like am updating schedule won't work 😂 I'm just gonna keep trying though lmao. This chapter was unedited so sorry for any mistakes! And thank you for 100 Votes <3!

Until the next chapter!

My Best Friend {CHANBAEK/BAEKYEOL }Where stories live. Discover now