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Chanyeol: I miss you :3

Baekhyun: yeol you literally left my house 5 seconds ago.

Chanyeol: that's too long my love.

Baekhyun: I'll see you tomorrow okay?

Chanyeol: what are you doing today?

Baekhyun: visiting my parents.

Chanyeol: oh nice

Chanyeol: wAIT- didnt they..?

Baekhyun: my brother reached out to me and said he'd take me to see them.

Chanyeol: okay baekii...be careful <3

Baekhyun: I will. I'm going to get ready now I'll ttyl


Years ago Baekhyun was tired of lying to his parents and came out. They weren't very happy so they kicked him out. His aunt secretly took him in and helped him out until he graduated. He actually haven't seen his aunt in a couple months.

I should pay her a visit too one day...and bring Chanyeol.

Baekhyun didn't really think hard on what to wear. He wasn't trying to get his parents to love him again or anything, if they don't love him for him then Baekhyun will continue to move past them.

A couple hours later Baekhyun received a call from his brother.

"Hey Baekbeom."

"Hey, I'm outside your building come
out." Said Baekbeom.

"Yeah okay I'm coming."

Baekhyun walked out the door and his nerves started kicking in when he saw his brother standing in front of his car.

"Baekhyun!!" Baekbeom ran towards Baekhyun and hugged him tightly, "I-I missed you so much. I never should've let them make you leave. I'm sorry."

"Hey it's okay. If they still don't accept me after this then I'll continue living my life without em but don't you leave my life again." Said Baekhyun.

Baekbeom laughed and hugged his brother tighter.

"I would never."

Baekbeom stopped the car, "Well here we are."

"You're on my side right?" Asked Baekhyun nervously.

"Of course I am, you got this!"  Baekbeom cheered him on.

Baekhyun took a deep breath and reached his shaky hand out to ring the doorbell. Baekhyun felt a larger hand go over his, calming him down.

"Baby I'm here." Whispered a deep voice he recognizes immediately.

"Chanyeol?!" Said Baekhyun shocked, "How'd you- What'd you-"

"I ran into Chanyeol and found out he was your current boyfriend...he wanted to surprise you." Explained Baekbeom.

"I'll always be here for you no matter what. And I'm here for support." Chanyeol placed a kiss on Baekhyun's soft cheeks.

Chanyeol held Baekhyun's hand and rung the doorbell. The door slowly swung open revealing Baekhyun's parents.



"Who's this?" Asked Baekhyun's father.

Baekhyun suddenly felt confident. He felt like all he needed was Chanyeol here with him.

"He's my boyfriend, is there a problem?" Asked Baekhyun.

Chanyeol smiled hearing Baekhyun's words.

"No...please come in."

The three walk into the house, Baekbeom went straight to his room per Chanyeol and Baekhyun's request and the couple sat at the table in front of Baekhyun's parents.

"You look familiar.." Said Baekhyun's mom, Baekhyun's father nodded in agreement.

"I'm Park Chanyeol, I was friends with Baekhyun before we started dating." Said Chanyeol.

"Ah Chanyeol! How've you been dear?" Asked Baekhyun's mom.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun were shocked at the change of her tone, "I've been doing well.."

"You're Baekhyun's boyfriend now? He sure made a good choice." Baekhyun's father smiled.

"Baekhyun, we asked Baekbeom to bring you here because we're sorry. We were just so closed minded..we accept you for who you are and you have our full support." His mom held Baekhyun's hand.

Baekhyun was never really angry at his parents, they raised him well up until halfway through high school, they were just so closed minded at the time. They're supportive now so there's no reason he shouldn't forgive them since they were willing to change.

"T-Thank you..and I forgive you." Baekhyun smiled.

The doorbell rang, "I heard that you like pizza?"

"Yeah." Baekhyun nodded.

Baekhyun's father opened the door and took two pizza boxes from the delivery guy, "Honey call Baekbeom he'll probably want some of this."

Baekbeom came running down the stairs when he heard the pizza arrived. It was the first time they ate as a family since Baekhyun left of course, and it was much better than it was back then for Baekhyun. All they used to talk about was work, school, and even against gay couples (the topic popped up on multiple occasions because Baekhyun's cousin was gay too); but now the table was filled with laughter and smiles. It felt good to be home.

  After dessert, the couple went back home with a wonderful memory. Chanyeol now considered Baekhyun's apartment his too because he decided to come home with Baekhyun and spend the night once again. Baekhyun probably won't let him again since Luhan is coming back tomorrow.

But what time was he coming back again?

Chanyeol woke up happy to see Baekhyun still sleeping peacefully beside him. He wishes he could wake up like this every day but he knows after Luhan comes back it would be a bit weird to Baekhyun. Chanyeol didn't mind, but oh well.

Chanyeol leaned towards Baekhyun's pretty face and whispered, "Baekie~ wake up!"

Baekhyun made a cute noise and turned his head. Chanyeol smiled and continue calling Baekhyun cute nicknames. The smaller continued to refuse to wake up so Chanyeol started placing kisses all over Baekhyun's face. Baekhyun eventually jolted up and looked and Chanyeol angrily. But of course, Chanyeol found it adorable.

"I won't let you sleep here again if you keep waking me up." Said Baekhyun sulking.

"Okay, I'm sorry it was too tempting." Chanyeol frowned making Baekhyun feel guilty.

"It's fine don't worry." Baekhyun hugged Chanyeol tightly, "Okay let's eat breakfast and get you home."

Baekhyun opened the door finding Luhan standing in front of the door crossing his arm and tapping his foot, looking suspiciously at the couple.


also unedited- damn I should like actually re-edit all my chapters. Also what the fuck 11K already? And 700 votes? Damn I never expected this fic to get past 3K tysm readers :3

It's been a HECTIC week and it will be for the next 3 weeks *unenthusiastically cheers* school ends soon for me so I'm super excited about that, and I'm assuming y'all are also starting finals soon? Goodluck!!

My Best Friend {CHANBAEK/BAEKYEOL }Where stories live. Discover now