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Baekhyun laid on the floor unconscious in front of the school fence. There were no people around to help him. Minutes later someone notices him and picks up Baekhyun's small body and carries him to the closest hospital. Baekhyun's eyes later slowly flutter open after what might've been an hour, and he sees the person he wanted to see most and also the person he hoped he'd never talk to again.


"C-Chanyeol- ow- what happened." Baekhyun sat up but Chanyeol softly pushed him back on the bed so he could be comfortable again.

"Y-You passed on on the way home I'm guessing. I noticed you and brought you here." Explained Chanyeol

"Thanks...look Chanyeol. Please forget everything I told you in the classroom, be happy with Yeri. I'm over it really." Said Baekhyun with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Thanks Baek I really appreciate it..." Said Chanyeol awkwardly. "A-And Baek...I'm sorry. As I waited for you to wake up I realized we haven't been hanging out just the two of us like we used to. When you're discharged come to my house? We have some catching up to do don't we?"

"I'd like that." Baekhyun smiled.

That's all you want from him.

Nothing more.

He's straight.

He's taken.

At that moment a nurse came in to check on Baekhyun.

"Oh! you're awake!" Said the Nurse. "I was just bringing food for you to eat after you woke up. So eat this and you're free to go. We've already done tests, seems like your not eating enough."

"Thank you." Baekhyun thanked the nurse as she left.

"Why haven't you been eating?" Asked Chanyeol in a serious tone.

" Oh i-it's just studying you know?" Said Baekhyun nervously.

"I really didn't notice honestly, I couldn't stop thinking about you." Thought Baekhyun.

"Oh ok... please make sure your eating enough I don't want you to get hurt." Said Chanyeol.

Baekhyun nodded and started eating the breakfast the nurse brought for him.

The car ride to Chanyeol's house was quiet. There was so much to talk about yet they remained quiet. It's like they forgot how to start a conversation. Or speak entirely.

"S-So how have you been B-Baek?" Chanyeol asked awkwardly.

"Fine I guess. You?" Baekhyun replies blankly, his tone not showing any emotion.

"A-Ahaha same..." Chanyeol awkwardly.

After the awkward interaction, they arrive at Chanyeol's house. Baekhyun realized this probably wasn't the best idea, things were awkward especially because of Baekhyun's sudden confession.

But still, Baekhyun loved his friend

They went inside and it was exactly how Baekhyun remembered it. Baekhyun hasn't visited Chanyeol's house in months, because the only times he saw Chanyeol outside of school were in group hangouts, but Chanyeol didn't like having group hangouts at his house because the boys always create a mess and his mom gets mad at him. But Chanyeol's mom always liked Baekhyun. Baekhyun came to Chanyeol's house almost daily from the 6th Grade to 10th grade, until things started falling apart for their friendship.
First Day Of 11th Grade...

"Hey Yeol!! We're going to your place like usual right?" Baekhyun ran up to his friend, who was preparing to leave.

"Ah sorry, Sehun invited me over a to his place." Chanyeol patted his friend before running up to his new friend, Sehun.

The next day...

"Hey Yeol what about today?" Baekhyun Asked Chanyeol.

"Can't, playing baseball with Jongin after school. Sorry."

This went on until Baekhyun started meeting new people

The next week...

"Baek! I'm free today! My place?"

"Sorry, I'm showing the new foreign student Luhan around Seoul."


After all that they gave up on hanging out alone after school. They remained friends but never hung out alone anymore.

I miss you...and I must've missed a lot too right? Talk to me, Baek...

love shot is so good I'm crying-

My Best Friend {CHANBAEK/BAEKYEOL }Where stories live. Discover now