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  It's been a week since Chanyeol and Baekhyun's "Hang out" and Baekhyun has been avoiding Chanyeol since.

'There's no hope for me...I'll never get better as long as I'm around him..." Thought Baekhyun.

Chanyeol didn't understand why Baekhyun was avoiding him, it was killing him inside. Baekhyun started sitting next to Kyungsoo in classes they had together instead of Chanyeol, whenever he saw Chanyeol coming his way he'd turn around.

'Did I do something?'

The school bell rang for the last class of the week before the weekend. Chanyeol's last class was history...which he had with Baekhyun. Chanyeol decides he's had enough of Baekhyun ignoring him. It was killing him.

When Chanyeol got to class he sat where he and Baekhyun used to sit. He sat and waited for Baekhyun to arrive...but he never came. The bell rang meaning class should start now but Baekhyun isn't there.

He's late...

10 minutes into class and Chanyeol was about to fall asleep. The teacher continues to talk about the history of the ancient civilizations until Chanyeol has had enough and raises his hand.

"Yes Chanyeol?"

"Where's Baekhyun?" Chanyeol asks.

"This isn't relevant to the topi-"

"He's my friend and I need to know!" Chanyeol yells.

"...he'll be the one to tell you when he comes back." Said the teacher soflty. "So Rome! They were-"

Chanyeol doesn't listen to what the teacher. He just thought of Baekhyun and he had many questions to ask him. In the last 10 minutes of class Baekhyun quietly enters the class, scanning for a seat anywhere but next to Chanyeol. But all seats are taken except one Chanyeol reserved for his friend.

Baekhyun sighs and quietly sits next to Chanyeol.

"Hey Baek!" He whispers.

"Hi." Baekhyun replies blankly.

"Where were you?" Asked Chanyeol.

Baekhyun pretends he doesn't hear Chanyeol and tries to catch up with the lesson. Chanyeol realizes that Baekhyun is trying to listen to the teacher, unlike Chanyeol who is completely lost.

   Baekhyun was a surprisingly good student. He gets amazing grades in every class, finishes all his homework correctly, even if it's last minute, and he barely studies at home. During finals, Baekhyun could go in without studying and still get high grades just by listening in class.

   Once class is over Baekhyun quickly gathers his stuff and quickly walks towards the exit, but Chanyeol knew he had to stop him. He wanted answers. Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's wrist turning him around. Baekhyun seemed nervous.

"Baek you've been avoiding me..." Said Chanyeol softly.

"I-I have?" Said Baekhyun pretending he hasn't been.

"Yes. You have. And we'll get to that later just...where were you?" Asked Chanyeol.

"I- um... I went to get something from the office."

"Yeah for 50 minutes? Be honest..."

Baekhyun sighed. He was going to tell him.

My Best Friend {CHANBAEK/BAEKYEOL }Where stories live. Discover now