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"Chanyeol honey, can you pick up Jisung from school?"

"Now? Umm yeah ok I'm on my way." Replied Chanyeol pausing the TV and getting up to find a jacket.

"Thanks..just bring him home straight from school."

"Ok, I'll see you then." Replied Chanyeol.

"Thanks sweetie."  His aunt thanked him before hanging up.

Chanyeol gets in his car and starts driving to his cousin's high school.

Ah highschool...

Memories of Baekhyun start flooding in. Chanyeol's heart starts to ache as he thinks about his precious memories with his small best friend.

"Baek...where are you? I still think about you. I hope you're doing ok...and found yourself someone better than me." Said Chanyeol to himself as he approaches his cousin's school.

He finds his 16 year old cousin chatting with his friends outside the school. Chanyeol stands outside his car and watches his cousin for a few seconds before calling his name.

"Hey Jisung!" Calls Chanyeol.

Jisung turns his head and smiles at his cousin. He says bye to his friends and rushes to Chanyeol's car.

"Hey Chanyeol! I didn't know you were picking me up today I thought I'd have to walk home again! I got really tired last time."  Said Jisung as he puts on his seat belt.

"Isn't it a 15 minute walk?" Asked Chanyeol.

"Yeah but school is tiring~ I don't wanna walk right after!" Whined Jisung.

"Ha well I can't always pick you up and your parents are getting busy, well you could walk home or go with a friend."

"I guess..but walking isn't that bad. Last time I saw a teacher walking home with his boyfriend~" Said Jisung.

"Ha. How do you know it was his boyfriend?" Asked Chanyeol.

"Well Mr. Luhan seems like the type of person that would be interested in men, and it looked like they really loved each other." Said Jisung.

Luhan...Chanyeol hasn't talked to him since Baekhyun left either, Chen too.

"Hah well did he say anything about it?" Asked Chanyeol.

"Hmm no. Whenever we asked he would say something like ' that's not your business.' Meaning it might be true!" Explained Jisung.

"Hm sure." Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

After a moment of silence, Chanyeol asks, "Jisung...this Luha- I mean Mr.Luhan. What does he teach?"

Chanyeol recalled Luhan saying he wanted to teach Chinese to high school students. He was just curious. Besides...if it was his friend Luhan..he could get closer to Baekhyun since they were best friends.

"Hm? He teaches Chinese. 9th-11th graders I think. This is his first year teaching too. He's pretty cool." Said Jisung.

Chanyeol didn't know what to say...could it be his old friend Luhan?

The car was getting close to Jisung's apartment building. He spots someone pretty familiar walking on the sidewalk, carrying a brown cross bag and wearing a white wearing a white dress shirt with brown hair, Chanyeol didn't get to have a good look of his face as he needed to focus on the road.

They arrive at the front of Jisung's apartment building. Chanyeol unlocks the door and says goodbye to Jisung.

Before Jisung could enter the building Chanyeol calls him, "Hey Jisung! I'm picking you up again tomorrow!"

"Really? Awesome! See ya then!" Jisung yells back before entering the apartment.

Chanyeol sighed loudly and hit his head on the wheel.

Luhan...do you still keep contact with Baekhyun?

Moments later Jongin texts Chanyeol.


Chanyeol: WHAT?!

Jongin🐻: I'm back

Chanyeol: what?


Chanyeol: WHAT WHEN?!

Jongin🐻: I'm waiting in the airport and I forgot to get someone to pick me up ;-;



Chanyeol calls Sehun to explain their current situation, Chanyeol picks Sehun up rush to the airport to reunite with their friend.

A year ago Jongin moved the US to teach dance for one of the best teams in LA. But turns out, Jongin didn't like teaching American teenagers how to dance. It was especially hard with the language barriers since Jongin couldn't speak proper English and the major cultural differences, and so he's decided to come home without a warning.

They soon arrive at the airport and spot Jongin standing there wearing a black hoodie with the cap over his heat and a suitcase in one hand and his carry-on backpack in the other.

Sehun opens the car door without any warning for Chanyeol runs towards Jongin with Chanyeol following close behind.



The two ran into the arms of their best friend that they haven't seen in months.

"Wait...Jongin did you tell Kyungsoo your back?" Asked Sehun.

"No, but I found out he works at a restaurant cafe as a chef now, and I'm planning on surprising him there tomorrow! And you two are coming with, I need support!"

"Wait what time?" Asked Chanyeol, he promised he'd pick Jisung up tomorrow.

"Oh, at 5 pm? 4?"

"Okay good, I promised I'd pick my cousin up after school to take him home. Poor kid's parents have been crazy busy, and he still hasn't done his driving test so he could officially drive."

"It's settled then, tomorrow when I say so!" Jongin says excitedly.


200 reads :D that's great guys I hope y'all are enjoying the story :) also should I have an updating schedule? Like I update every (insert day of the week)? I think I should! Which day of the week do y'all think would be the best?

My Best Friend {CHANBAEK/BAEKYEOL }Where stories live. Discover now