F R I E N D (2)

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  The day went by and it was finally lunch time. Baekhyun came right on time. He knocked on Luhan's door before entering holding up a bag with two sandwiches and drinks inside. Luhan smiled at Baekhyun and he smiled back. Baekhyun quickly pulled up a chair and placed the bag on Luhan's desk.

"So how were your classes so far?" Asked Baekhyun taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Well...I kinda lashed out on my 11th graders today. I think they finally understand we aren't dating."

"Thank god good for you Luhan!" Baekhyun softly punched his friend's shoulder.

"See! I told you that guy isn't his boyfriend. Y'all should stop assuming." They heard whispers from the door, which was cracked open.

"But Jisung you-"

"Sshhhh!" Jisung shushed his friends.

"Boys please close the door!" Yelled Luhan.

Jisung laughed nervously before shutting the door.

"Well that's good!" Cheered Baekhyun. "Do you think you'll ever come out to them?"

"I did think about it but I would probably need to school's permission and they would probably say no and fire me," Luhan whispered.


"Baek you look stunning!" Luhan, "Chanyeol's gonna- never mind..."

"Seriously Lu?" Said Baekhyun as he looked in the mirror.

I don't look that good...

"Chanyeol's picking you up right? What time?" He said 6 pm so I have some time-"

Knock Knock

Baekhyun and Luhan looked at each other confused before Baekhyun slowly approaches and opens the door.


"Chanyeol? It's 5:30 what are you doing?" Asked Baekhyun.

"Thought we could grab a quick snack before going!" Said Chanyeol.

"You should've at least let me know before hand Chanyeol.." Baekhyun sighed.

"I know I know I was just..gonna go out to get food anyway, then I passed by your building and decided to take you out. Now come on." Chanyeol lied.

"Okay fine." Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's hand and the two dashed down the stairs and out of the building, Chanyeol laughing and smiling widely with Baekhyun following behind smiling as well.

"Ah~ I want some fried chicken." Said Chanyeol as they passed the famous Korean fried chicken place, Bok Chicken.

"I do too but we shouldn't get full right before the party.." Baekhyun sighed.

"Right...more chicken for me!" Chanyeol cheered and ran inside the restaurant.

"CHANYEOL!" Baekhyun shouted and ran behind him.

By the time Baekhyun has entered the restaurant, Chanyeol was already sitting down on a table for two right by the window looking through the menu.

"So Baek spicy chicken or no?" Asked Chanyeol still smiling.

"Nah not today."

"Alright alright..excuse me!" Chanyeol called for the waiter and ordered their food.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun began talking casually again after dealing with a series of many awkward and uncomfortable encounters after their sad split up all those years ago. Chanyeol began feeling things for the smaller. The need to protect him and be by his side 24/7, he didn't have those feelings towards him, or anyone when they were younger. Could it be..?

"Here we go a plate of fried chicken for two!" The waiter placed the plate on the table snapping Chanyeol out of his thoughts.

I can't like him...I rejected him this is not okay.

Baekhyun immediately grabbed a piece of chicken and started eating while Chanyeol only started at the plate of the delicious fresh chicken in front of him.

"Wow Chanyeol you force me out to get food with you and you aren't even eating." Said Baekhyun whole chewing.

Baekhyun looked so cute in front of Chanyeol, Chanyeol forgot about everything else and just watched the smaller eat his food.

"You're being awfully quiet and you aren't even eating...CHANYEOL EAT YOU DRAGGED ME OUT OF MY HOME FOR THIS!" Baekhyun Yelled.

"Okay okay! Geez..." Chanyeol starts eating and Baekhyun gives him a satisfied smile.

Baekhyun then looks over to the TV placed on top of the counter, there was a woman lifting weights and the shop owner and the waiter that previously served them were watching the TV intensely.

"Woahh that woman's strong! Chanyeol can you lift weights like that?" Asked Baekhyun.

"Oh yeah. Easy." Chanyeol smirked.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Yeah sure~ I'd like to see one day."

"Alrighty then." Chanyeol crossed his arms.

Eventually, the two finish up and pay before thanking the workers before exiting the place.

They soon arrive at the cafe, the place that was once a quiet and chill was now a mess with blasting music and filled with people.

"Augh I hate this." Baekhyun covered his ears.

"It's okay I'll protect you." Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Baekhyun's small body. "Let's tell Heechul we're here then ditch. I'm sorry for making you come."

"No no it's fine...we surely re-built our friendship though didn't we?" Baekhyun smiled up at the taller.

"I- Uh- yes...we really did." Chanyeol didn't know why but the word friendship made him sad.

He thought he could go back to how things were in the past with Baekhyun, they surely exceeded that but..it still didn't feel like it was enough.


oof I'm sorry I really cant do weekly updates XD also did you like my Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo reference? Hehe I've been procrastinating and binging kdramas and I recently finished WFKBJ now I'm towards the end of Memories of Alhambra XD no spoilers plz or I'll block you <3

My Best Friend {CHANBAEK/BAEKYEOL }Where stories live. Discover now