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"Baekhyun?!" Chanyeol's mother left the kitchen and ran towards the boy as soon as she heard the familiar voice.

"Hi Mrs.Park!" Baekhyun greeted her.

"Oh my, it's been too long! Chanyeol hasn't invited you in forever why is that?"

"Well...I guess we've both been pretty busy with...other things." Baekhyun wasn't lying. Just not giving the details.

"That's not right...I missed you Baekhyunie! Please visit more!"

"Thank you Mrs.Park." Baekhyun thanked Chanyeol's mom and she smiles back at him before she returns to her cooking and Chanyeol and Baekhyun left to Chanyeol's room.

"Hey Baek how are your parents?" Asked Chanyeol.


"...they don't want anything to do with me anymore."

Chanyeol was shocked at Baekhyun's answer. Baekhyun has always been a good student and is a very talented person. His parents were always proud of him for that. So what happened?

"Huh- W-What?"

"I came out to them a year ago. They didn't like it and said I was a disgrace and well kicked me out of my home and now I live alone with the support of my aunt..." Said Baekhyun in a sad tone.

"Baek- I had no idea...why didn't you talk to-"

"Because you were too into Yeri. Whenever I'd try to talk to you she'd come up in the conversation and I couldn't deal with that."

Chanyeol felt a burst of guilt hit him. When his friend needed him the most he was too into Yeri to realize he was hurting. Chanyeol felt like such a bad friend. He was a bad friend.

"Baek I'm so sorry..." Chanyeol apologized.

"It's fine you were just t-too...in love." Baekhyun's voice lowered in the last part.

Love? Chanyeol wasn't sure if what he felt for Yeri was love. He thought she was pretty and nice yes but now that Chanyeol thought about it he wasn't sure about how he felt anymore.

"I-I need to go to the bathroom." Baekhyun got up and ran to the closest bathroom and locked the door quickly.

'Do I love Yeri?' Chanyeol thought to himself.

Chanyeol could hear the sound of his best friend crying.

The second Baekhyun locked the bathroom door he burst into tears.

'This is too hard...'

Baekhyun looked at the mirror and stared at his reflection. Tears still rolling down his cheek with red eyes.

'He's never gonna love you. He's too good for you. He loves Yeri. He isn't gonna ditch her for you never.'

After a while, Chanyeol knocked on the door. Snapping Baekhyun out of his thoughts.

"Baek...are you ok? You've been in there for nearly 15 minutes..." he could hear Chanyeol's voice clearly. He sounded concerned.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." Baekhyun wipes his tears and opens the door, surprised to find Chanyeol standing right in front of him.

"Baek your eyes are red! Are you ok?" Chanyeol held his friend's shoulder.

"Oh, I guess I...accidently got soap in my eyes."

'He'll believe it...' Baekhyun thought to himself.

"Oh ok."

Chanyeol knew the real reason Baekhyun's eyes were red. He heard the smaller sniffling and whisper words to himself while crying. Chanyeol thought he shouldn't mention it or else Baekhyun would cry again but in front of him.

Chanyeol knew he couldn't even handle imagining it.

Chanyeol didn't know why Baekhyun was crying. He assumed that it was because he talked about his parents. But there was that part of him that believed it was his own fault.

"Chanyeol I think I should go now..." Said Baekhyun. "O-Our history test is tomorrow isn't it? I should go study..."

"I'll help you-" Chanyeol reached to grab Baekhyun's wrists to prevent him from leaving but he flinches immediately.

"N-No we'll just get distracted. I'll see you tomorrow." Chanyeol let Baekhyun get his stuff and leave.

'Just stay....please?'

it's finally winter break for me 🤧 I'm planning on binge watching kdramas and anime and doing a bunch of writing :) wbu?

My Best Friend {CHANBAEK/BAEKYEOL }Where stories live. Discover now