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   The day Baekhyun was not ready for has come. Baekhyun came to school early that day so he would have time to find an area he could stay in so he could avoid Chanyeol. It's not like it would be hard. Chanyeol never talked to him anyway. Even though they consider each other close friends.

   Baekhyun stayed in the library in the morning using his laptop to watch videos until the bell rang. He had his first class with Chanyeol that day. Baekhyun told himself to just ignore him and sit somewhere else. They usually say next to each other so it would be hard to avoid him.  When the bell finally rang Baekhyun didn't rush to get to class like he usually would. He took his time yet still made 3 minutes early.

   After a minute Chanyeol walks into class and sits next to Baekhyun. Baekhyun doesn't greet Chanyeol like he usually would. He's gonna try not to talk to Chanyeol for as long as he can.

But that plan fails immediately.

"Hey Baek! I got something to tell you after class." Said Chanyeol.

"Ok." Baekhyun replies blankly.

   Class eventually ends and Baekhyun tries to run away but Chanyeol grabs his arm, "Baek! Did you forget that I wanted to tell you something?"

Don't. Please don't.

  "So remember how I used to talk about how much I liked Yeri?" Asked Chanyeol.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

   Baekhyun slowly nods his head trying to act as normal as possible.

  "Well...I went to her birthday party, and I finally asked her out! and she said yes!"

  Those words hurt more than Baekhyun thought they would.

Way more.

   By now the class was completely empty. Just the two friends. Baekhyun knew very well that Chanyeol would never like him. Especially now that he has this gorgeous and amazing girl he likes that now likes him back. But still. He couldn't hide it anymore.

  "Well. I'm glad your happy." Baekhyun said blankly.

"Baekhyun...are you ok?"

   Baekhyun's tears couldn't hold back anymore. He was crying in front of Chanyeol.

  "No...I'm not ok!" Baekhyun laughs. "Of course I'm not ok! I've been slowly losing you Chanyeol! and now there are more people to take you away from me!"

  "S-Sorry Baek I'll try to make time so we can hang out more-"

  "Chanyeol. I kept this in for so long and I can't I literally can't. It's best if I never tell you but fuck. This is something you should know." Baekhyun sighs. "Chanyeol. I like you. And I know this is terrible timing and even if I did tell you earlier. I still knew you'd reject me. But I'm hurting Chanyeol. It hurts me keeping this all inside. It hurts me even more that you don't even make time for us as friends. I'll try to get over you. But I don't want to lose you as a friend, but this needed to come out."

   Baekhyun grabs his stuff and runs outside the classroom leaving Chanyeol alone, and confused.

'He...Likes me?' Chanyeol thought

   "Chanyeolie!" Yeri runs into the classroom. "I was looking for you! We have our next class together come on!"

   Yeri grabs Chanyeol's hand and they go to their next class together, and Baekhyun sees them together.

"Hm, I guess he really doesn't care." Baekhyun says to himself still wiping tears from his eyes.

    Baekhyun thinks he should really get over Chanyeol. It's not healthy for him to crush on someone who will never love him.

   Baekhyun doesn't feel well the rest of the day so the nurse sends him home. Baekhyun has to walk home by himself since no one can pick him up. Even if he was sick. Baekhyun hasn't eaten much the day before. He ate a bit of rice and that was it. He didn't eat today either, he just didn't feel like it. He had too much to think about. He starts seeing dots and his vision gets blurry then his head hits the ground and he's left on the floor.

Baekhyun passed out. And no one was there to help him.

My Best Friend {CHANBAEK/BAEKYEOL }Where stories live. Discover now