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Jongin and Kyungsoo returned with their drinks and there was a silence, asking the question we all were too shy to ask.

"Jongin I thought we were good friends since when did you like guys? You too Kyungsoo!" Blurted Chen.

"Quite a while actually but I didn't want to bring it up until I actually found someone then I met Kyungsoo." Jongin held Kyungsoo's hand tightly and Kyungsoo smiled at him. "I was gonna tell you later but you already found out."

"We're all gay but oh so lonely." Said Luhan sighing.

"So is Sehun hah so Chanyeol's the only one that's still straight?" Kai Laughed.

That stung Baekhyun pretty hard, he genuinely liked Chanyeol but he wasn't even interested in guys and was already crushing on a girl that he's probably kissing right now.

"Hey! Hey! Have you seen Jongin and Sehun?" Asked Chanyeol pushing through a crowd of people, spotting Taemin who he caught talking to Jongin earlier.

"Yeah, they left because you were spending all your time with Yeri so they got bored." Said Taemin.


Chanyeol was a bit upset his friends left without saying anything but he understood why they did.

Maybe I shouldn't have completely ignored them...

"Chanyeolll!" Yelled Yerim. "I'm back!"

Yerim ran up to Chanyeol and hugged him.

"It's time for cake! Come on come on!" Yerim pulled Chanyeol to a table with a huge cake and 17 candles on it.

People at the party sang happy birthday to her and at the end she blew her candles and kissed Chanyeol.

Chanyeol was shocked but he kissed back anyway.

"Yeri will you be my girlfriend?" Asked Chanyeol.

"Of course I will!"

And Chanyeol stuck with Yerim the whole time.

"Bye Jongin! Bye Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun, Luhan, and Chen waved goodbye to the couple as they went their separate ways.

"Let's have a movie night!" Suggested Baekhyun.

"Oh Yes!" Said Chen.

When they got home they wore their pajamas and cuddled up in a pile of blankets and watched a bunch of movies until they all eventually fell asleep in the middle of watching "I Saw The Devil".

"Hey Chanyeol!" Baekhyun ran up to Chanyeol on Monday in school.

"Hey Baekhyun." said Chanyeol. "I have something to tell you...I got a girlfriend!"

Hearing those words come out of Chanyeol's mouth hurt more than he thought they would. Baekhyun was expecting it but he just wasn't ready. Yerim ran up to Chanyeol and gave Baekhyun a disgusted look before smiling back at Chanyeol and dragged him away. Baekhyun crumbled to the ground and cried hard, not caring about the people around him. when Baekhyun looked back up he saw Chanyeol.

"I'll never love you Baekhyun. You're disgusting. I don't even want you as a friend anymore." said Chanyeol.

Baekhyun woke up from his nightmare breathing heavily.

it was just a dream.

Baekhyun was so scared to go back to school on Monday. He didn't want to go at all. He didn't have to go right?

"Baek are you ok?" Asked Chen in a sleepy voice and he got up.

"Y-Yeah..N-No I'm not." Baekhyun rested on his best friend's lap as he started tearing up.

Chen felt really bad for his friend.  He wanted to help him but there really wasn't much he could do. The heart wants what it wants and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"Chen I'm scared. On Monday I'll have to pretend to be happy for Chanyeol when he introduces us to Yeri- Chen...what if he doesn't even want to be friends with us anymore? He can't be mine but I don't want to lose him as a friend."

"Baek everything will be ok... if it wasn't meant to be then you'll meet someone better who can really take care of you." Chen stroked Baekhyun's hair.

"Thanks Chen...your a good friend."

All of this is like some bad dream...I know I'll get hurt in the end. Why can't these feelings stop?

I have a midterm tomorrow I'm not ready sksks wish me luck :/

My Best Friend {CHANBAEK/BAEKYEOL }Where stories live. Discover now