Shopping For The Twins

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The next day jaden woke up, Yawn I woke up to see jay wake "morning babe". He looked at me and kissed me, I kissed back "someone's eager for attention". "Shhhh just enjoy the moment" "OK but someone or the twins will break it" smirking grabbing his love handles and kissing his neck. He smiled and wrapped his arms and legs around him, "do you really want to do it in a hospital, but if your fine with that OK" setting him on the bed slipping my hand under his shirt. He looked at him and sat up "um I'm hungry can you bring me food" "sure anything for my lovely babe" I walked out to go to the cafeteria.

He waited and talked to his duel spirits, Luna wakes up hearing a noise, starts giggling when she sees a brow fur ball with wings and starts reaching out for it. Jaden looked at her and his eyes widened as he couldn't believe what he saw, I walked back in the room with a plate full of shrimp as promised, then I saw jay wide eyed and Luna reaching for kuriboh 'wait she can see him' I almost dropped the plate, I sat the plate down and asked "what did I miss". "Luna can see duel spirits Jesse she's like us" still in shock, my eyes widen "early in this age, what about Leo" I tears flowed down my face because I was happy, we wouldn't be alone that was able to see duel spirits ... besides Chazz, we would understand her ability to see them.

"do you mind if I go shopping you can go with if you want to, Luna looks like she really wants something to snuggle with" I smiled at him and looking at Luna and a waking Leo, He nodded and smiled as he held Leo in his arms and started to feed him. "need to get them clothes, stuff animals" I said smiling 'I'll get them there first duel monster cards', as I asked ruby to snuggle with Luna "babe want to go, because I might need help picking the closes out" chuckling awkwardly trying to hide a blush of needing help with baby clothes, "Yeah lets go and they are babies they don't need duel cards yet" he told me crossing his arms. "OK-, wait how did you know I was thinking about the duel cards!!" I asked in surprise and wide eyed, "Ruby told me" he was holding ruby as she purred, "Ruby how could you" I pouted crossing my arms acting like a child.

Ruby blinked and snuggled to jaden, "I'm not about to let you steal my baby jay and then rat me out" glaring at the duel spirit in jays arms. Ruby smirked and turned around so her butt was facing Jesse, "that's it your getting it now you babe snatcher" walking toward ruby and jay 'jay's my baby jay you jay snatching cat' I thought angrily. Ruby smirked and snuggled into Jesse's shirt and purred, "was I just played or just considered alpha of this pack" looking dumbfounded, mentally talking to Ruby 'I'm warning you jay's my alpha female of this pack, I meant alpha mate, man I'm stupid' "let's go shopping". Jaden nodded and they headed to the shopping center, 'can't believe I called Jaden my alpha female in this relationship' I face-palmed myself, then looking through clothes and stuffed animals, I saw a ancient fairy dragon, kuribon, and a power tool dragon, I picked them out and showed them to jay.

Jaden smiled and looked at the two dragons "when did these dragons come out" "I don't know but there cute" looking down at the stuff animals I was holding "I bet they'll love them" smiling "I almost forgot the clothes" looking embarrassed. He chuckled "then let's go get clothes" "OK" trying to hide the blush 'why am I blushing a lot, I need to think of something else', a picture of jays cute sweating body under me appeared in my mind and my nose started bleeding without me knowing.

Jaden didn't notice as he held Luna in his arms, "I smell blood" looking around, still not noticing that it's me. Jaden looked at him "Jesse it's on you" "frick why am I the horny one" taking a tissue and wiping the blood off, I look down at are twins "Luna, Leo what stuff animal do you want" holding the animals in front of them, Luna got kuribon and ancient fairy dragon and Leo got tool dragon.

"OK clothes" I saw a onesie that says mommy's little princess and another saying ILD "hey jay look at these" showing the pink and blue onesie. He giggled and smiled "they are so cute" "They are but not as cute as you and the twins" I smirked putting my arm around his waist and kissing his neck seductively. He ran off with the twins as he saw more cute clothes, "jay I thought we were having a moment" I ran after him pouting. He smiled and looked at clothes, "fine but I'll get you later" looking through clothes with him finding a onesie that said mommy's & daddy's little duelist.

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