Sexy Cat Maid and Threesome

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I woke up the next morning feeling pain but bit my lip since everyone was still asleep, I felt jay stirring and I purred to calm him down, Yusei yawned loudly as he woke up and went to make food. I started whimpering as the pain grew more accidentally waking jay, Jay looked at him and giggled, "morning kitten sleep well" the pain grew more and more as whimpered louder face going pale. yusei came with some blood and gave it to Jesse, "morning" having a hard time drinking the blood because of the smell but drank it all, and let jay drink his breakfast. "I put a powder so the smell will go away", I nod "I hate the smell of blood" "Come on let's go eat". nod and carefully get up and felt dizzy swaying almost collapsing holding jay tightly. 

Yusei picked him up, "sorry" I kissed his cheek "you hungry kitten" kissing his forehead. Yusei smiled and took them to the kitchen, sits down "hungry jay" rubbing my nose on his. Jay giggles and pulled his hair, "ow" my ears and tail come out, I tickle his neck.

Jaden's p.o.v.

Jay giggled and Luna and Leo came in as they were 2, "hey you two, how you feeling" kissing their foreheads. "Hey mom how are you" "good, guess what mommy got a little surprise" smiling. Luna looked at jay "why couldn't it be a girl" "you can't always pick the gender, but daddy has a surprise" smiling softly, Jesse nods "you two and jay are going to be older siblings, because I'm pregnant" rubbing his belly. Luna and Leo looked at each other, "Are you happy" rubbing Jesse's belly. "You and yusei are the fathers to the little ones" Jesse whispered to jaden.

Jesse p.o.v

Jaden blinked and held jay "really", Nods "hope you and yus don't mind" rubbing my belly watching the twins. Jaden shook his head "i don't mind it was kinda hot seeing him dominate you", I blush and smirk "hmm how about me, you, and yus threesome later" purring seductively. "Alright ill be their with yusei and some rope" "Ok, I'll get the handcuffs, collar and sexy outfit" getting up and purring into his neck kissing and biting his neck leaving a hickey and leaving going to the store, Yusei was in the kitchen and mating with jack and he kissed his neck and back. "Aahh...yusei" jack moaned, I walked into the store and grabbed the handcuffs and collar but had a hard time with the cute sexy outfit.

Crow walked to Jesse "hey Jesse whats up", Yusei moaned and went in deeper as he whispered things to jack. "AAHH" I screamed "oh its you crow, 1. Having a heart attack 2. Having a hard time with picking a cute sexy outfit, what are you doing here", "Yusei" jack moaned getting harder. "Well we need to pay bills so i kinda work here mind if i help you", Yusei held onto him by his hips. I blushed "s-s-sure, you work at a sex store", "YUSEI" Jack moaned louder. Yusei moaned loudly and rammed into him, Crow "yes just don't tell jack he will never let me live it down". Jack sneezes knowing someone's talking about him, "YUSEI...HARDER" jack screamed in pleasure, "Alright, I'm wanting to do a threesome with yusei and jaden, I have this collar and handcuffs but the outfit is the hard thing" blushing more. 

Crow nodded and looked at what he had and looked at the outfits "do you want something for males or females for you to wear", Yusei sneezed as well and pounded into jacks hole as he clawed the floor. "YUSEI...CUMMING...I'M... CUMMING" jack screamed as he came, "Female since I'm going to be dominated by both of them" blushing "jacks going to find out some time black bird" giving crow a nickname. "Ohhh Jackie so tight" he moaned loudly and came deep inside him, Crow blushed "shut it you, now what do you have in mind maid cat servant". "Yusei" he moaned and came again, "Oohh, sure black bird" ears and tail come out, getting closer to him teasing him with the nickname.

Crow stuck his tongue out at him, Yusei panted and slowly pulled out. "I'll take the maid cat servant outfit" taking his tongue between my teeth, Jack moans and pants. Crow blushed more and looked at him, Yusei smacked his butt and smirked. "I love to tease, and did you get hard by me putting your tongue between my teeth" looking down at his crotch, "YUSEI" jack moaned in pleasure and pain. Crow blushed and tried to cover himself "no now lets get your clothes", Yusei smirked and got on his back "take me Jackie". "Your a terrible liar" pulling him to the bathroom, "Alright" smirking jack slammed his member into yusei. Yusei screamed out in pleasure as his back arched, Crow groaned and got on his hands and knees as he sucked on Jesse's member. 

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