Jack's And Luna's Birth

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Charlotte's p.o.v.

I look around hearing two sets of whimpering walking to Jack and Luna, Jack whimpered as pain hit him and water ran down his legs. Luna was screaming as she was in labor, Yusei's eyes widened as he looked at his sister. "birthing room stat" picking Luna up and running to the room laying her down, Jack screams too. "what's going on" Jesse and Jessica said, "mama Luna is in labor" Rose was happy jumping for joy. Yusei picked up jack and took him to the birthing room, Jaden blinked "oh my more babies". Getting her ready "OK babe push", Jack screams and already pushing. Jesse punched his arm "hush the kids are watching", Yusei got ready with blankets "that's it babe". 

Luna screamed and pushed, Jaden smiled. "that's it keep it up the baby's crowning" grabbing a blanket for the first baby, Jack screams and push as the baby was crowning. Rose goes in with a bowl of water wiping the sweat off them, Yusei caught the first baby and gave it to Jesse to clean while he focused on the next one. Luna screamed as the first one came out, Jesse takes the baby and cleans her. I hand the baby to Jessica to clean and watched the next one, Jack screams more feeling worn out. Yusei "come on Jackie one more push and the baby is out" he rubbed his thigh, Luna screamed and pushed more. The babies cries loudly, he nodded and tried screaming. 

"come on babe the second baby is almost out" grabbing another blanket guiding the baby out, Yusei got a blanket and got the last baby as he cried loudly. Luna screamed as the baby came out, Jesse walked in with the baby girl. Jacks smiles, hands the baby to jaden grabbing another blanket for the last baby. Jessica walks in with the baby, Yusei smiled as he held the last baby. Jaden wrapped up the baby and smiled, Luna fell asleep. Jack suddenly blacked out and his chest and heart stopped moving, I smiled at my pups. Rose starts whimpering and nudges Jack with her muzzle, Yusei put Jack on a breathing mask as he started to pump his heart again. Luna looked at jack, Jack lays still and unconscious. 

Jesse rocks the baby girl as she started crying for her mother, I look to jack and my brother. Jessica sits next to Luna holding the baby girl calming her down, Yusei continued to pump his chest and gave him CPR to get air into his lungs. Luna whimpered for jack, The babies cried. Jack heart starts beating just barely not enough to be felt or hear even with wolf and vampire super hearing, Jesse and Jessica starts whimpering. I felt my brother breaking on the inside, Rose runs to Jake crying "Jake..your..father..he's" she didn't want to finish sobbing. Yusei continued to give him CPR as he pumped his heart more 'come on jack', Luna nudged jack. Little Jake looked at her, Jack heartbeat a little faster. 

I nudged him to looking at my brother in his eyes he looks like he was about to lose his lover and mother of his twins, "I think he died giving birth" she choked everyone looked at her. Yusei looked at her but didn't want to believe it as he continued with the pumps, Luna looked at jack. Jack starts seeing a light and seeing his parents they urged him to come he hesitated for a moment, I start mourning "Jack don't leave". Yusei cried out in sadness as he held jack close and cried loudly, A beautiful wolf stopped jack showing what was happening a the den he cried not wanting to leave "I'm not ready to go". Everyone mourned and howled for Jack, It showed yusei snuggle close to jack's body as he cried into his lovers chest. 

The wolf looked at him "go back to your pack jack they need you", he nods "who are you, you look like rose a little". I hugged my brother "yusei I don't want to say it but" crying, The wolf nodded her head "i am her mother now my young wolf tell my daughter that i love her and that she shouldn't blame Charlotte for it was my choice to go out not hers now hurry". Jack hugs her "I will thank you" he wakes up feeling a cold sensation and looks around, walking out of the birthing room and looking for his mate, pups, and pack mates, "bro I'm sorry" hugging him. 

Jack's p.o.v.

Yusei looked up and saw jack awake "jack", everyone looked at him in shock and the babies stopped crying. "hey" I sounding tired holding my arms out for yusei, Jesse "there's mommy". Yusei hugged jack tightly and cried into his chest, I rubbed his back "Rose your mother wanted me to tell you something". "what" she said, "She said don't blame Charlotte for it was your mothers choice to go out not Charlotte". Rose starts crying holding on to Charlotte. 

Charlotte's p.o.v.

Yusei smiled as Charlotte held the small pup in her arms, The babies cried out for their moms milk. Jack held the pups and laid down feeding them falling asleep, I smiled happy that my brother's lover is still alive. Yusei snuggled close to jack as the pups fed off of him but they fought over the nipples, "there's enough for all of you" he licked their heads. I chuckled at the twins it was a little harder with mine and Luna's triples, Yusei purred as he snuggled to jack and Jake came over and started to feed as well. Jack kissed his lover, Rose goes to Luna hungry. Yusei smiled as the babies suckled, Luna lets her suckle. Jack licks the little ones, Rose wags her tail. 

The pups moved each other over so they could get the best spots, Jack chuckled and goes to his wolf form and carefully gets up. Rose snuggles to Luna, The pups were still attached to jacks nipples. Luna smiled and licked her head, "at least they won't fight now" he looks at yusei. "love you mama" Rose fall asleep, "I'm going hunting be back" I kissed Luna and lick the pups heads and left. Yusei nodded and left with his sister, The pups suckled happily. Luna smiled, I was already chasing a big buck only to be attacked by an alpha male from another territory stopping me from my kill I attacked him back. Jack chuckled more, The male smirked as he held her down. 

Yusei was on his way as he caught the buck, The babies soon let him go. "get your fat ass off me", Jack licked them clean and let them play. The pups played with jack as they pulled on his tail, Luna giggled. The wolf smirked and mounted her, Yusei was headed her way. He moves it around, "get off" biting and growling trying to get away. Yusei growled and roared, The wolf got scared as he ran off. The pups held it down, "I feel discussed" dragging the buck home. Jack moves it from their grip then smelling a scent on Charlotte growling a little, Yusei licked her body to get the sent off of her "i hope that helps some". Luna "there are many rogue wolves out their Jackie", "thanks bro, I'm smothering myself in Luna's boobs" smirking dragging the carcass in the den and then putting my face between her cleavage.

Jack chuckled and stars feeding, Yusei smirked as he smothered his face and body into jacks balls and member. Luna smiled and kissed her, Jack moans "y-y-yusei" blushing. I kiss her back "mine" feeling her breast, Yusei smiled and engulfed himself in jacks sent. Luna moaned and looked at her, Jack drags yusei for privacy. I watched them and lick her skin, Luna moaned and smacked her ass. Yusei smirked and gave jack a lap dance, yelps and rub my ass "what was that for" pouting. Jack blushes, Yusei humped him a little. Luna "sorry your just so tempting", Jack moans. "ohh" I start grinding into her, Luna spread her legs and moaned. Yusei smirked and got jack on his knees, I smirked and stripped our clothes.

Jack blushes and unzips his pants, Yusei smirked and rubbed jacks ears. Luna licked her breasts, he moans and starts sucking him. I moan loudly, Luna pinned her down. Yusei arched his back and moaned, I summited to her. Jack moans more, Yusei smirked and looked at him. Luna kissed her deeply, he looks a yusei. I kiss back, Yusei made him deep throat. Luna kissed her neck, Jack coughs and keeps sucking him. "babe don't tease just do it" moaning wrapping my leg around her, Luna rubbed against her and moaned. Yusei moaned and panted, I started getting wet. He went faster playing with his balls, Yusei blushed and moaned loudly. Luna rubbed her clit, he continues his actions.

I moan loudly, Yusei moaned and came all over him. Luna smirked and sucked her neck, Jack swallows what he could. I moaned more, Lyn laughs "leader might be the next one to get pregnant". "get out, before I make you", Luna smirked and kissed her ear "what you don't want to make a show". Yusei got jack on his back, I blushed and moaned looking at her. "hey guys the leader is putting a show on" Lyn yells, Jack spreads his legs. Yusei smirked and thrusted into him, Luna chased them all off and growled. Jack moans, I was a blushing mess and covered my face. Everyone ran out a little scared, "your hot".

Luna smiled and snuggled to her, Yusei moaned and kissed him. I snuggle back, jack moans and kisses back. 

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