Trusting Zane As Alpha

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Jack sniffed the grass, Yusa follows. Yugi looks around, Yugo was in the kitchen cooking. Jesse sniffed the grass, Zane sniffed the air. Jack sat at his feet, Yusa sniffs around. "what is it boy" Yugi asked, Yugo was still cooking. Zarc snuck behind Yugo and grabs his love handles making him squeal, Zane looked at yusa and Jesse "be careful and don't go to far there is an off smell here might be humans". Jack had to use the bathroom, Yugo got scared and smacked him. "I smell Jackie" Yusa wags her tail, Yugi looks around. "bro its me" Zarc grabs his arms and kissed his shoulder, Yugo sighed "don't do that". Zane looked at her "it doesnt smell like him its more settle", Jack went behind a bush and went.

Zarc chuckles and kisses and licks his neck, Yusa pouts "Yugi". Yugi heard talking and moves bushes and saw them "hey guys, Zane looked at him as he growled not knowing them. Jesse nuzzled Zane a little to calm him down, Jack popped his head out. "your skin is soft" Zarc nibbles on Yugo's neck, Yugi kneels down "its ok boy". Yusa licks Yugi's face, Zane calmed down a little but still didn't go to him. Jack looked at Zane, Yugo looked at him. "he's a friendly human" Yusa says, Yugi blinks looking at Yusa shocked. "how far are you with Yuri's baby" Zarc asked, Zane calmed down as he looked at Jack. Jack looked at him, Yugo thought "about 4 months".

"what" Yusa tilts her head, Yugi faints after hearing Yusa. "I might take you from Yuri" Zarc smirks and pushes his crotch against his butt, Yugo blushed as he bit his neck "no". Zane and Jack eyed each other, Jesse poked Yugi. "aww your cute when you blush" Zarc smirks grinding against him, Yugi was mumbling that animals can talk. Jesse shook his head, Yugo clawed his face. Jesse shook his head, Yugo clawed his face. Yugi woke up, Zarc pins him down and forcefully kissed him. Yuri walks in and gasped with wide eyes "are you cheating on me", "crap" Yuto hid under the coffee table. Yugo struggled as he tried to fight Zarc back as he was in an uncomfortable position as there were scratches on him and Zarc, Yuya came in "Yuri I don't think he's cheating on you".

Jesse gave him water, Yuri's eyes change and he snapped his finger and a plant crashed through the window and the plant flicked Zarc off Yugo into a nearby wall and he held Yugo shaking a bit and licks his neck lightly. Zarc groans in pain, Yuto yelps at the action. "thanks, what happened" Yugi asked drinking the water, Yugo was a little dazzed and shocked but he was alright. Yuya pat Yuto's head, "you fainted" Jesse said. Yuri held him closer and kisses him, Yuto flinched and whines looking at him. "ok" Yugi nods, Yuya kissed him deeply. Yugo slowly kissed him and got up, Jesse looked at Yusa. Yuto blushes with wide eyes, Yuri helps him up. Yusa tilts her head, Yuya and Yugo left to get fixed up.

Jesse smiled "be nice to Zane will ya", Yuto whines watching Yuya leave. Zarc growls looking at Yuri and punches him in the stomach hard, Yuri fell to his knees and coughed up blood. Yusa pouts, Yuya came back and clawed Zarc's face leaving bad and bleeding scars. Jesse looked at her sternly, Zarc growls and flicked Yuya in the forehead. Yuri coughed more panting heavily, "fine, only to you, dad and the pack happy" Yusa pouts and nuzzles Jack. Jack and Zane were having a conversation, Yuto helped Yuri. Yuya kicked him hard, "where is uncle Crow and his newborn pups" Yusa asked. "thanks" Yuri smiles, Zarc growls and grabs him by the hair and pins him down.

Yuya growled as he pulled on Zarc's hair almost ripping it off, Yuto nodded and held onto him. Jack looked at her "I hid them in my dog house", Zark growls pinning him face first. Yugo hits Zark in the back of the head with a broom knocking him out, Yuri eyes widen with shock "that's why is love him". "ok" Yusa smiles, Yuto blinked "hes scary man". Yuya pushed him off and panted, Jack and Zane talked. "he's hot, what are you talking about" Yuri smirks, "where do we put him" Yugo blushes. Yusa whines bored, Yuya and Yuto stuffed him in a box and took him outside. Zane looked at her as he laid on the grass, Yugo giggles. Yusa pulls on Jack's ear with her mouth, Yuto closed the door.

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