I'm Pregnant!!

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Charlotte's p.o.v.

  Jack "he will be out for maybe months", "I'm just glad he's alive" collapsing next to yusei. "is daddy and pups alright" rose ran to her, Jack checked her "yes she's just tired from the transformation they both need lots of rest". Holds yusei close not wanting to let go "love you bro",  Yusei was silent. I still hugging him in my sleep, "lets get them home" Rose gently pried her hands from yusei. Whimpers not feeling him, Jack picked up yusei. Crow helped rose with Charlotte, "let's lay them in the same bed it might heal them faster" smiling. Whimpers for yusei, Jack nodded and crow had Charlotte on his back as they headed home. They walk in the den, Jack put them in bed. 

Jacklyn's p.o.v.

I felt sick and went to the bathroom, Charlotte snuggles to yusei. Rose smiles kissing both their heads and let them rest, Jack nuzzled yusei. Crow smiled and left, I throws up not knowing why. "Lyn are you OK" knocking on the door, Jack worried for his sister. Throws up more, "Lyn" opening the door.  Jack walked in and nuzzled her, "what's going on" nuzzling back. Jack sniffed her, "what" whimpering. He looked at her, "what is it the senescence is killing me" whining. "You smell like kalin", "what!!!" yelling, I grab my phone and dial his number "pick the phone up dammit". Kalin picked up and jack was not happy, "get your ass down here I wanna talk" "I'm not even near the den".

"where are you then" growling, "I'm in crashtown" "oh sorry, I'm letting you know I'm pregnant", Kalin was silent, "Kalin, are you there" noticing the silence. A three year old vampire baby crawls to yusei and Charlotte's room, Jack looked at the baby "umm". Kalin "um yeah I'm here", Charlotte's motherly instinct kicked in and lets the baby suckle walking out of the room holding him. "and your the father", Kalin fainted. Yusei was still out cold as it was his baby, "Kalin...Kalin...hello" looks at everyone "I think I killed Kalin". Charlotte still let's the baby suckle "what did I miss", Jack told Charlotte what happened. Yusei's son suckled on Charlotte, "what! your finally pregnant" hugging her "what's the father think". 

"Kalin, are you there still" calling him, Kalin picked up "your pregnant". The baby patted Charlotte's breast to get more milk out, "yes, are you mad" whimpering. More milk came out for the little one, The baby happily suckled. Kalin "no I'm not mad just shocked", Kisses his head. "OK, you should visit sometime it'll be great" wagging my tail, Kalin "um sure but make sure jack doesn't kill me". The baby got kinda round, "I will because he's pissed" giggling. "I think your done little one your getting round", The baby crawled away to his mother yusei. Jack mumbled, lays the baby on yusei. "bro shush ... when you planning coming over", The baby suckled on yusei. 

Kalin "maybe tomorrow", Jack growled. Sits next to them watching, "yay" jumping up and down. Yusei mumbled a little as he baby fed, Kalin chuckled. "yusei" then scream seeing another yusei but blue, "can't wait to see you again" smiling happily. The blue yusei looked at her as the one on the bed stopped moving and the baby pulled away from him, Kalin "can't wait either". Jack looked at his sister, Kalin smiled. Stardust landed on her head, "what" looking at him. Blushes "cute little dragon" picking him up and kissing his head, Jack glared at the phone. Stardust sat on yusei, "anyone still there" wondering it I end the call or not. "hey star I kinda always like you more than a friend" blushing madly, Stardust tilted his head. 

Yusei mumbled, Jack took the phone away. Thinks then kisses stardust on the lips, "what the hell bro" reaching for it. Jack crushed the phone, Stardust slowly kissed back. The baby watched, "Jack why did you do that" starting to cry. Bites his bottom lip for entrance, Jack looked at her and didn't say anything. Stardust opened his mouth, "you bastard" jumping on him punching him. Licks his entire mouth, Jack held onto her. Stardust moaned and blushed, punches him more crying. Runs her tongue over his.

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