New Pack Member

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Chazz was on his bed/nest as he just given birth to his only pup which was a little girl, Syrus smiles nuzzling him. Chazz licked her clean, the little pup purrs whining. Syrus smiles, Chazz picked her up by her scruff and placed her between his paws and cleaned her. The pup puts her paws on his face and licked his nose, Chazz smiled gently "shes so tiny like you" he said to Syrus. Syrus blushes and smiles, the pup paws her mommy's nose. Chazz looked around as he smelled his brothers, "you know, I never liked your brothers" Syrus says. Chazz nodded "they were always strict on me for everything" "they might say something about us and her" Syrus says and licks her head, the pup purrs.

Chazz sighed "who cares what they say" he snuggled to her, Syrus nods. The pup paws him hungry, Chazz moved to his side so she could feed. The pup looks for his nipples, Syrus helps her find his nipples and watched her suckle. Chazz relaxed as he let her feed, the pup purrs suckling. Syrus snuggles to him, Chazz smiled and purred. Syrus dozes off, the pup pulls away and crawls around on the bed. Chazz smiled as he watched her, the pup paws his tail. Chazz moved it around, the pup chased it. Chazz smiled gently, the pup bites his tail. Chazz looked at her, the pup wags her tail. Chazz licked her ears, the pup purrs. Chazz held her close and yawned, the pup yawns. Chazz fell asleep, the pup fell asleep.

Chazz held her close and slept, Chazz's brothers bangs on the door. The pup whimpers at being woke up, Chazz mumbled as he licked her head and went to the door. Destiny looks for her daddy, the brothers wait. Chazz opened the door "what do you two want, "we been calling you, why haven't you been answering" Jagger yells. Destiny howls for her daddy, Syrus licks her head. Chazz heard her but kept her hidden from his brothers "I've been busy alright", "babe who's at the door" Syrus asked. Destiny whines, the brothers looks at him "whos that then". Chazz scoffed "no one for you to worry about now leave me alone" he growled, "you are always a bad at lying" Slade says.

Jagger growls and punched him, Chazz felt his cheek and growled at them as he punched both of them. Jagger grabs him and pins his arms back, Slade walks in. Syrus calls Zane, Zane came running in and attacked the two brothers. Chazz ran off to hide his pup, the brothers fights him. Syrus hides Destiny, Destiny whines. Zane growled as he was a lot bigger then them, Chazz went to help Zane. The brothers backs off "slutty brother", Syrus curls around her. Zane growled at them "maybe if you ever listened to him then we wouldn't be here now leave", the brothers rolled their eyes "your little bratty brother would be a target for guys hungry to bang something". Destiny whines loudly, Syrus licks her head.

Zane growled "you touch him and I swear I will make sure you never have pups, though infront know who would want to mate with you two" "maybe take the girl with the blue hair and green eyes" Slade says, "was that the girl in your room, she looks like Jaden's husband" Jagger says. "you got Jessica" Syrus says, Zane growled more as he clawed their faces leaving them with scares "don't you dare touch anyone in my pack or else I will end you". The brothers left and went home, Syrus peaks out. Chazz limped a little as Zane nuzzled him, "babe what happened" Syrus crawls out with Destiny. Destiny whines at the new smell in the house, Chazz licked his cheek"its alright syrus the threat is gone now. "ok" Syrus purrs, Destiny whines.

Chazz licked his pup, Destiny purrs. "bro come see your niece" Syrus says, Zane came over and looked at destiny. Destiny whines, Zane smiled gently. Destiny paws him, Syrus gently hands her to him. Zane held her and smiled gently "shes so small", Destiny licks his face. "like me" Syrus says, Zane smiled as he poked her nose "is she an alpha". Destiny shakes her head pawing her nose, "don't know, can we come to your place" Syrus asked. Zane nodded "yes but I must warn you Yusei has been eating lots of pudding so he's running around everywhere" "ok" Syrus was a little confused, they went to the den and sure enough yusei was rolling around giggling. "what did you give him" Syrus asked, "He got into the pudding again" Zane said.

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