Crimson Saves Crystal

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Crystal was in her dragon form flying, Crimson was in the cave. Crystal flies to his cave and got caught by ropes, Crimson got angry anf ripped them apart. Crystal purrs and goes in the cave, Crimson snuggled to her. Crystal purrs louder and rolls onto her back showing her belly, Crimson nuzzled her belly. Crystal purrs loudly, Crimson smiled. Crystal smiles back, Crimson smiled and curled up around her. Crystal purrs snuggling to him, Crimson smiled and snuggled to her. Crystal smiles "what would you like to do", Crimson hummed "lets just relax" "ok" Crystal smiles "question what's the marks on Yusa and the others". "Oh they will know what they must do" Crimson says, "well Yusa acts like dad when she duels, she dueled like two guys with purple marks" Crystal says then smells someone with dark aura outside. 

Crimson got up and growled as he protected her, Crystal whimpers "what's that". Crimson growled and spread his wings, Crystal stays close to him then got grabbed by a dark singer and they both disappeared "CRIMSON" she reaches for him but it was to late she was at their hide out and tide up. There was dark laughing "she's carrying your heir", Crimson roared with anger as fire erupted from the ground and all the other signers were called. Yusa and the others gets on their runners driving to Crimson, Crystal cries shaking in fear "Crimson help me". The fire continued to pour down as crimson was pissed, the signers walked in Crimson cave "you called Crimson". 

Crimson was pissed as his fire blasted all around him, "Crimson what the hell happened" Yusa asked. Crimson roared loudly, "forgive me Crimson" Yusa says then slapped him hard in the face. Crimson looked at her, "what the hell happened" Yusa asked again. Crimson flew around and roared, "Lead the way Crimson" Yusa says. Crimson flew off, the signers followed him. Crimson rosred, Yusa flies up to him "Crimson if we're getting my sister and your mate you need to be calm". Crimson looked at her "I am calm", Yusa look at him. Crystal whimpers "Crimson, where are you", Crimson followed her sent as he grew angerier. The signers follows him, Crimson saw a cave. 

The signers see the cave too, Crystal whines as she was next to Rugger getting forced tp marry "CRIMSON" she screams. Crimson burst through as he blew fire everywhere and was pissed, Rugger disappears through a portal with Crystal. The signers fights the dark signers, Crimson went after him in the portal. Rugger growlsCrystal whines "babe", Crimson roared and pinned him down. Rugger growls attacking him, Crystal craws in the corner. Crimson fought him and roared, Rugger stabs Crimson with a dagger he had. Crimson clawed Ruggers face, Rugger groans and pointed a gun to Crystal and shot it off. Crystal backs up more to the corner, Crimson stood infront of her and roared. 

Rugger growls, Crystal whines "I wanna go home babe". Crimson picked her up and flew off, Crystal clings to him "he was going to get rid of the babies after we married, but your the only one I would want to marry". Crimson smiled and snuggles to her, Crystal purrs snuggling back. Crimson smiled and purred, Crystal purrs. Crimson snuggled to her, Crystal purrs louder "I love you Crimson". Crimson smiled "love you to", Crystal purrs. Crimson smiled, Crystal smiles "now what". Crimson stretched, Crystal yawns. Crimson snuggled to her, Crystal purrs snuggling back. Crimson fell asleep, Crystal fell asleep. 

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