Enter Jessica Anderson

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There was a knock on the door, Jaden opened it. "hi I'm looking for someone named Jesse Anderson, I've heard he lived here" a girl who looked like Jesse asked, Jaden looked at her "may I ask who you are" "I'm his twin sister Jessica Anderson, Jess didn't say nothing about me did he" Jessica pouted, I heard a voice that sounded like Jessa, I looked up seeing Jaden talking to someone. Jaden moved over "Jesse someone is here to see you", I looked at the person crying "JESSICA" I got up and ran to her. "JESSE" she ran to him, they hug crying in each others arms, their ears and tail come out. "Crow did you bring a girl home" Jack teased, "No Jack that's Jesse's sister and your with me so shut up" said Yusei. 

"I know babe, trying to play matchmaker" Jack kissed yusei, "Crow" looks around seeing him "so your crow right cutie" she purred the last part. Jesse and Johan starts laughing, Crow blushed and looked away. Yusei smacked Jack's butt, "Jessa, how is it boys run up to you and you turn them down but different with Crow" I saw a connection between them. "don't know, sorry for embarrassing you but you are a cutie" Jessica smiles then feels someone pull on her pants, looking down picking up a little neko "hi sweet what's your name", "YUSEI" Jack almost shouted a moan, ears pin down and tail wagging because of pain. Yusei kissed his cheek, The little neko purred "I'm the futuwe dueling king Jay Yuki Andewson". 

Jack kissed back, "I'm your aunty Jessica your mother's twin sister" Jessica looked at her brother and jaden "I see you two are married, who proposed". I blushed and remembered proposing and then the shooting, Jaden held Jesse "he did and I was so happy then I ate his food". Yusei "really Jaden", Jay "bad daddy". "yeah, after the proposal I got sick and threw up in the bathroom, and some guy didn't accept gay couple because his wife cheated on him and he shot me, that's when we found out I was pregnant with jay, but daddy's getting punish for mommy's food" I pulled my shirt up showing the scar and then smirking picking Jaden up and over my shoulder and spanking his butt, "I see your pregnant with more" she smiled. 

Jaden whined and squirmed as he tried to get away, Jay giggled at the scene. "Want more babe" spanking him lower, "Hey cutie wanna duel" looking towards Crow. Crow smirked "alright but what happens to the looser", Jaden moaned loudly. "What do you have in mind" Jessica blushed darkly, I take jaden to bedroom "we'll be back". Jaden smacked Jesse's butt, Crow thought.

Jessica's p.o.v

Jesse moaned, "um" I thought more, then seeing Crow's naked body blushing madly with a nose bleed. "um your nose is bleeding" Jack said to her, Crow covered himself up and blushed. Yusei laughed "come on Jackie let's leave them alone to play", Jaden smirked. "you were thinking about doing it weren't you, naughty boy" I smirked at him walking up to him, "and do what, this is funny" Jack laughed. "Jaden" Jesse whimpered, Yusei squeezed Jacks member "you can come play with me big boy". Crow backed up and blushed "no I wasn't", Jaden kissed him. Jack moaned and nod, "your crouch says other wise cutie " pinning his hands above his head and putting my knee into his crotch.

Jesse kissed back, Yusei smirked and walked to Jack's room as his ass shook as he walked. Crow blushed and tried not to moan, Jaden held him. Jack blushed feeling 3x hard, "your cute" grinding my crouch into his. "let's leave my sister with her teasing" Jesse smirked at them, Yusei left to the bedroom with Jack. Jaden nodded and left, Crow moaned. Jack closes the door, Jesse drags Jaden to their room. I smirked and kissed his lips getting on my knees unbuckling and unzipping his pants, Crow groaned as he sat down and submitted to her. Yusei laid on the bed, Jaden smirked. I pulled them off smirking grabbing his boxers with my teeth and pulling them off to, Jack smirks and hovered over his lover kissing him deeply. 

Jesse look at Jaden and bent over on the bed shaking his ass teasingly, Yusei smiled and bucked his hips and squeezed Jack's butt. He smirked and slapped his butt, Crow blushed and had a nosebleed. "be patience my vamp king" Jack kissed his neck leaving hickeys, "HARDER" Jesse moaned. I smirked and took my shirt off leaning my head down licking the tip and down the shaft, Crow moaned loudly and threw his head back. Yusei blushed and groaned, Jaden smirked and kissed him. I took him in suck him purring vibrating his member, Jack grind his crotch into his. Jesse kissed him back, Yusei took off his blue jacket and other clothes revealing his lace panties and thigh high socks. 

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