Morning Sweetness

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"Let's see if jay wants to finish what we started" walking to ask him, he was feeding Leo and Luna. "how's my beautiful family doing this morning" kissing jaden's and the twins cheeks, "I can't ask him that, first priority is to be a father for the family first and a lover in bed later" I mumbled to myself. Jaden giggled as Leo held onto his finger and sucked on it, "hehe and I thought I was the only one who thought you tasted sweet" I laughed watching Leo suck his mother's finger, I kissed his lips and neck "Mmm you do taste sweet" licking my lips, Jaden blushed and kissed him deeply. "want to finish where we started, I think it'll be hotter in the tub" sitting on his lap to take me now.

He blushed and nodded "okay but first i have to take care of the twins" "ok, hope you can hold it in" I said jokingly playing with Luna with her kuribon stuffy. Luna smiled and pulled on Jesse's hair, "ow ow Luna baby your hurting daddy ow ow" tears formed in my eyes "baby jay help she's got a death grip on me ow".

Jaden chuckled as he got Luna and gave him Leo who sucked on Jesse's fingers, "thank you love, wait what do I taste like" not minding Leo sucking on my finger, I chuckled and kissed Leo's cheek. Leo looked at him and giggled, I smiled at Leo then looked at Jay "what you want a taste to" smirking seductively. Jaden blushed "i already know what you taste like" "then tell me or are you going to tell me later" grabbing his hip and pulling him closer. "I'll tell you later my kitten" "aaww ok babe" I kissed him lips and sat Leo down.

Leo was fast asleep and luna was playing with jaden, "Hehe" I laid my deck on the table to think of a strategy for any tournament that might be coming "hey babe is there a tournament in town". "I heard their will be one in a month", "We need to get money to support all of us" after I thought of a strategy for the tournament putting my deck back in my deck holster.

Jaden watched him and smiled, "You want to go to" smiling at him. Jaden nodded and giggled, "What's so funny sexy kitty" hugging his waist and kissing his cheek. He blushed and kissed him, "Hehe, hey who blushes harder me or you when we're pounding into each other" I grained at him. "Shut up" he mumbled and walked off, "Babe it was a joke please don't be mad" following after him. He humphed and hid under his blanket, "Here we go again, babe please don't be mad, just punish me when I say or do something stupid" I begged "how bout you pound into me where I can't walk tomorrow" I sat on the bed waiting for a response.

He mumbled and had his ass in the air and at Jesse's face, "Jay can you just punish me, I promise not to say or do something stupid, please baby" moving closer to the blanket. Jaden pinned him down and smirked evilly, "come into me master, punish me however you want" I spread my legs for him. He smirked and sucked on his neck, "Master harder" I exposed more of my neck to him. He smirked and got off him, "Master what's wrong" I looked up at him.  "Hey this is punishment so no sex" "Sorry master" blushed hard as tomato "hard to resist", he kissed him deeply.  I kissed back letting him control me, he felt his body. "Ha-Aahh" I covered mouth at the new sound and blushed even harder, he smiled and wanted to hear more of it.

"Master" I breathed out "Yes kitten", "More make me scream your name" I blushed after saying that. He smirked and had him against the wall, "Master make me your slave". He rammed into him, "AAHHH" I screamed as tears streamed down my face. He looked at him, "I'm ok, punish me harder master" I breathed out a little heavy, He trusted into him. "Aahh" I clawed and gripped his shoulders tight leaving a mark "sorry master" I said removing my hands, "No keep doing that it feel so good" "Ok" I placed my hands back on his shoulders. He moaned and kissed his neck, "Master" I yelled throwing my head back moaning. He licked his neck, "Mmm" I whimpered and flinched at the touch, my breathing hitched really quick and my chest started to hurt.

He noticed it and stopped, "what happen master" I said calming down. "Your heart raced and your breathing was wrong i don't want to hurt you", I just pushed jay onto the floor and got on top of him and rode him "but I want you to cum inside me" still thrusting his member inside me. He moaned and looked at him as he held onto his hips, I rode jaden's member in me until it hit some nerves "JADEN" I screamed as I came on his chest and face, my hole started tightening around his member, and still was riding him after I just came. He moaned loudly as he slammed him onto his member and came deep inside him.

"Aahhh" I came again and fell forward and started coughing into my hand I looked down and saw blood, my breathing hitched again I clutched my chest as it started burning, He laid him down and gave him medicine. "I hate the sight and smell of blood" I held my mouth keeping me from throwing up, and ended up fainting after smelling to much of the blood, He cleaned him up. Jesse ended up sleeping the rest of the day.

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