Zane And Chazz Gets Pregnant

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Yusei was in his small den as he hadnt come out, Zane was hunting and felt sick and throws up. Yusei looked around as he felt something was off, Zane whines still throwing up. Yusei called him back, Zane whines as he couldn't answer at the moment. Yusei couldn't go to him as he was with the pups, Zane blacks out. Yusa saw Zane collapsed and runs to her dad "daddy its Zane, he is either dead or sick", Yusei slowly got up but the pups were latched onto him "get Jaden and Jesse to help you bring him back". Yusa nods running to the den "mom uncle Jaden, help me with Zane, I cant tell if he's sick or dead", the two nodded as they headed to Zane. Yusa follows but didn't see Zane only a pink and white stick and picks it up looking at it seeing a positive test "mom, uncle Jaden", Zane was walking in shock.

The two looked at the stick and blinked, Yusei saw him and called him. "I thought he was sterile" Yusa says, Zane looks at him and grabs his chest tightly and fainted. Yusei went to him and took him to the den, Jaden blinks "well I geuss he had enough to get a baby". Zane stays out, "like he had a egg put in him to get pregnant" Yusa tilts her head confused. Jaden shrugged "who knows but we have to tell Yusei", Yusei laid him in bed. Yusa walks to her dad, Zane was still out. Yusei took care of him, "dad you got a sterile man pregnant" Yusa says walking in his room. Zane wakes up and crawls under the bed in his wolf form scared of Yusei's answer, Yusei blinked "we will need a bigger den then how does a nice lake house sound".

"I looked and it looks like a hotel, are you talking about moving the pack" Yusa asked, Zane peaks from under the bed. Yusei nodded "with the pack growing we will need more space and now that Zaney is pregnant I can get those papers started" "now mom and Jaden can get five rooms away from me, you two are loud" Yusa looks at Jesse and Jaden, Jesse blushed deeply as he looked away while Jaden smirked. Yusa smirks giving Jaden a box "here's an outfit for mom, there's a bunny tail in there", Jaden chuckled as Jesse then left the room. Yusa giggles "when do we move into this lake house" "Well with the paperwork I would say next month" Yuse said, "yay swimming" Yusa cheers. Yusei chuckled as he gave Zane kisses, Zane smiles purring.

Yusei gave him cake, Zane smiles eating. Yusei played with his hair, Zane purrs loudly "I thought I was sterile, the nurse at duel academy said I was" "Who knows what happened but now you will have my baby" Yusei said. Zane nods purring, Yusei kissed his head. "we go see the lake house" Zane asked with cute puppy eyes, Yusei chuckled and nodded. Zane jumps up "yay!" and grabs his hand, Yusei chuckled "Yusa you coming". Zane smiles, "yes" Yusa says. They left to the lake house, "how big is the nursery" Zane smiles. Yusa follows, "One of the biggest rooms in the house" Yusei said. Zane smiles and goes to his wolf form running to the house, "wait up" Yusa does the same.

Yusei did the same as they headed over, Zane saw the door and skids to stop but face plants into the door and whimpers rubbing his nose. Yusa whines nuzzling him, Yusei chuckled as he opened the door and walked inside. Zane pouts following, Yusa follows. Yusei looked around, Zane looks around and found the master bedroom and grins. Yusei looked at the kitchen, Zane walks in the bathroom. Yusa looks outside, Yusei looked at the rooms. Zane smiles and runs sliding across the floor, Yusei watched him and raised an eyebrow. Yusei shook his head and smiled, Zane yelps as he slips falling back. Yusa blinks, Yusei helped him up again. "maybe you should sit down" Yusa says, Zane pouts. Yusei sat him on a chair, Zane whines.

Yusei chuckled, Zane pouts cutely. Yusei pet his head, Zane purrs. Yusei smiled and looked at Yusa, Zane goes for a walk outside. "what" Yusa looks at him, Yusei shrugged and looked around. Yusa shrugs, Zane whines hungry and picks something off a tree and eats it. Yusei went to look at the pool, Zane kept eating the stuff off the tree. Yusei called him, Zane whines feeling a change in his body and faints. Yusei came to find him, Zane wakes up and his chest was heavy and looks screaming. Yusei found him and blinked, "what the hell happened" Zane starts freaking out. "Your a girl" Yusei said, "I see that" Zane pouts. Yusei smiled, Zane pouts getting up and her pants and boxers fell cause there to big on her.

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