Team Spirit Seekers Meets Team 5ds

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I was walking back from the bathroom, when I felt wetness go down my legs, "no not now" as I was walking I could feel the baby crowning, I tried looking for a medic but was outside, I saw a male with black hair with yellow streaks running towards me, I could feel that the head was half way out, Yusei looked at him and laid him down on his blue jacket "don't worry you'll be alright i'm yusei and I'm a duelist and a scientist" he laid him on his blue jacket. "I'm Jesse and a duelist to and thank you, AAHH" I screamed as the contractions came, The others came and jaden got his jacket to catch the baby. "Hey babe, AAHH" I screamed more, "Push Jesse the baby is almost out" said yusei as he held onto the half way out baby. 

I nod and pushed as hard as I could, Soon a babies cry was heard. "What's the gender" I panted tiredly, Yusei smiled and wrapped the baby "its a boy" "Why don't we name him jay, I always like that name, what do you think babe, aahh" I hissed in pain as my left forearm and right arm started hurting and glowing, Jaden looked at him "are you okay". I took my shirt off and my left forearm and right arm started glowing "its the marks, it hurts and starts glowing if we're near a signer", Johan's arm started glowing "mines doing the same, what about you two" showing his glowing arm. The original signers arms also glowed brightly, "what the hell, I thought we were the only ones with signer marks" seeing how crow's started glowing.

Yusei looked at him "they come from a different god" "Yeah our dragon god is the rainbow dragon" I explained to them. "Embarrassing if you tell me" johan rolled his eyes, I took my shoe and threw it at him making it a direct hit "everyone is chosen for certain things, even the blond with the fake British accent over there" my ears and tail came out and I growled. Crow bust out laughing, Jack glared at him as he was angry "excuse me you experimented cat my accent isn't fake and id shut up or else you'll be in the pound" he barked at him. "I like to see you try, maybe I should put a muzzle on you ya mutt" getting up and dressed handing jay to jaden, eyes going to cats eyes and nails growing three inches, "I would stay out of this, oh and never call him an experimented cat it gets him even more pissed, he's a neko and so am I" letting my ears and tail out. 

yusei sighed as he had enough and whistled "all of you shut up especially you jack, "Give two reasons why I shouldn't kill this British reject yusei" I growled ready to attack at any moment. Crow/johan face palms at their actions, Yusei sighed "because he's one of my signers and i need him" "Fine, and one of you smells like you have something to say the other" backing off eyes and nail going back to normal and smirked knowing the smell 'one has a crush and the other probably don't even know it' talking to Johan through thought. 'Yeah I smelt it to' he replied in thought smirking, Yusei looked at them and tilted his head. Jack looked at them as well, "Me and johan have great sense of smell, we can smell who you two have a crush on even if its faint its bright as day, I'll let you two talk to each other" leaning against the wall. 

Johan laughs and fist bumps Jesse, "jack is so heartless I'll stop being a jerk to him if he had a secret crush" looking at yusei and jack, then putting two and two together, crow walked over to Jesse and Johan "I see what your talking about". Yusei looked at jack and jack scoffed as he looked at the male, All three males snickered "who do you two have a crush on, is an easy question to answer" "I have no crush on anyone" jack looks away, "Uh-huh" they said "yusei what about you". Yusei didn't say anything as he just stayed silent, "This going nowhere" Johan said. "Jack why are turning red, was the question that I put you and yusei through" "Y-your annoying" jack grumbled.

"I live to please" smiling, Yusei was still silent as he just looked at the others. "yusei are you feeling OK" crow asked him as he was quite, He didn't say anything and looked away. "I'm sorry yusei if I pried into your love life".

Jack's p.o.v.

"yusei are you sick" I puts my forehead against his. Yusei backed off from jack a little bit, "yusei why are you backing off" asking looking worried. "I have to go"he said and started to walk away, "I'm going to see what's wrong with yusei" running after him. Yusei was in a grassy field looking at the sky, "sorry if I did something wrong" sitting next to him. Yusei looked at him and kissed him deeply, I was taken aback and kissed him back passionately. He held onto him and kissed him more, I pulled yusei into his lap and licked his bottom lip for entrance. Yusei opened his mouth and ran his fingers in jacks hair, I moaned and licked his entire mouth. Yusei moaned and licked jacks mouth, I fought his for dominance. 

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