Leaving The Pack

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Crow cries cause the pups were kicking his womb entrance really hard, Jesse was preparing a room for the new pups. Crow gasped whimpering when his water broke, Jesse took him to the room. Crow cries at the pain and went to his cat form feeling even more pain, Jesse held his hand as the first baby came out. Crow screams crying while pushing and was bleeding heavily, Jesse cleaned him up "its better if you do it in your human form" he said as he held the first pup. Crow goes to his human form and screams pushing, the second pup came out faster and easier. Crow pants heavily looking pale and moves his head to look at the pups, the pups went to him anf started to suckle.

Crow looks at their fur color to guess the father, They had blonde fur but their belly's and paws were black. "I'm going to have to tell them" Crow smiles then fell unconscious, Jesse smiled as he fixed Crow up and stroaked his hair as the pups suckled more. Crow doesn't respond, Jesse nudged him. Crow still doesn't respond his chest and heart wasn't moving, Jesse started to freak out as he put him on a air mask and pumped his heart. Yusa opens his eyes "why are they dull and glassy looking", Crow still wasn't responding. Jesse continued to pump his heart as he sent shocks to him, Yusa runs to get Jack and jumps the fence "uncle Jack where are you". Crow still doesn't respond, Jesse nudged him and whined.

Jack was chewing on a bone and looked at her, Crow doesn't move. Yusa had tears falling "its uncle Crow, he's gone", Jack dropped his bone and ran to the den. Jesse pulled on his ears, Yusa follows "mom is trying to bring him back". Crow doesn't yelp, Jesse pulled harder. Jack ran faster, Crow's spirit takes Jesse's hand off his ear "your going to rip my ear off". Yusa runs in and drags Yusei to Crow's nursery, Jesse looked at him "come back to us or else I'ma rip it off". Yusei looked at spirit Crow, Crow growls "I will rip your". Yusa drags Jack in and picks the pups up "for the pups", Jesse looked at him "the pups need you". Yusei nodded, "fine" Crow's spirit goes back to his body.

Yusa looks at the pups "looks like dad and Jack are both the fathers", Jesse smiled as he squeezed Crow and kissed his face. Crow squeaks blushing, "dad, Jack look" Yusa shows them the pups. Yusei nuzzled the small pups, "where's Jack these are his pups to and I think mom wants to mate with Crow" Yusa says. Crow blushes darker, the pups squeaks licking his nose. "Jack went to get Yusei a let me in the pack again gift" Jesse said, Yusei didn't pay attention as he licked the pups clean. "ok" Yusa nodsthe pups squeaks, Jesse nuzzled Crow. Yusei scoffed, Crow purrs swaying his tail. "dad I'm sure he misses you" Yusa whines, Yusei mumbled as he cleaned his cubs.

Jesse sighed, "dad speak up, I'm sure he cries for you, but no you hate him cause he's with Vizor and helping and girl with health problems, mom has same he has panic attacks some times, would you hate him if he was with a human" Yusa pouts. The pups squeaks, "I don't hate him because of that my problems with him go back years" Yusei said. Jesse laid down, "what happened" Yusa tilts her head. "He betrayed me and the pack" Yusei said, "doing what" Yusa asked. "I don't want to talk about it" Yusei said as he left, "I'm going to ask him" Yusa goes to find Jack. Jack was walking around the city, Yusa runs to him. Jack was in a store, Yusa yelps tripping and fell in a yard and saw a greenhouse and pokes a flower.

Yuya and Yuri were in the garden, "where the heck am I" Yusa yells waking around. Yugo jumps at the yell "who was that" "maybe you and Yuri locked in a room together" Yuto mumbles, Yuri humphed as he and Yuya went to look around. Yugo blushes darkly, Yusa walks into the greenhouse "PRETTY!" she yells seeing the flowers. "Yuri someone is in your greenhouse" Yuto says, Yuri went in with his duel disk drawn "whos out there". Yusa gasped and looks backing away and runs somewhere in the greenhouse hiding, Yuri saw a tail and followed it now knowing what it was. Yusa whines and moves in the shadows, Yuri looked around. Yusa's emerald eyes glows in the shadows, Yuri saw them and looked at her.

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