Pack Going To The Beach

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Everyone was on the sand as the pack set up everything they would need, Yusa smiles looking around. "did we forget anything" Jesse asked, Yusei looked at the list "no I think we have everyone and everything and if all else fails we blame Jaden" "hey!" Jaden pouts. Jesse falls over laughing, Yusei chuckled as he took off his shirt showing his built body then laid down on a towel with sunglasses on. Jaden took his shirt off, Jesse whines as he started having a nose bleed at the sexy bodies. Yusei gave him a tissue "don't let me be a distraction from our family outing Jesse" "when I see a well built body this happens" Jesse whines putting the tissue to his nose, "I saw Jesse faint seeing me shirtless" Jaden smirks.

"Star lets play in the water" Yusa says, Stardust smirked as he picked her up and took her to the water. Yusei chuckled as he walked up to Jack and sat on his lap, Yusa squeaks giggling. "I was wondering when I feel your hips" Jack smirks lifting the sunglasses up, Yusei giggled softly as he rubbed against Jack's lap "did you miss me Jackie I'm sorry". Stardust gently tossed her in, "you might need punishing my queen" Jack groans smirking. Yusa squeals, Yusei smiled as he then got off Jack's lap and went to get a snack. Stardust laughed. Jack smacks his butt, Yusa tackles him. Yusei yelped and looked at him as he landed on Zane's lap "oh hello Zaney", Stardust splashed her. "someone is excited" Zane chuckles, Yusa splashed him back.

Yusei puffed his cheeks and looked away, Stardust laughed. Zane chuckles putting his hands on his hips, Yusa giggles. Kamia was sneaking behind Yusa, Yusei went off and laid on his towel again and sunbathed. Stardust smirked as he splashed more, Zand and Jack chuckles. Yusa squeaks splashing back, Kamia takes Yusa's top without her knowing and ran off. Stardust laughed as he looked at her "I like this view", Yusei humped and turned away from them. Yusa tilts her head, Kamia laughs. Zane and Jack nudged him, Yusei brushed them off with his tail. Stardust looked at her chest, Zane and Jack licks his tail. Yusa looks and blushes "Kamia!" then ran to Kamia, Kamia started running. Stardust covered her up, Yusei swatted his tail at them.

"let me at her" Yusa paws at her sister, Kamia ran then tripped over a girl with pink and blue hair. Zane and Jack whines, the pack looked at her now. The girl blinked and looked around then at Kamia "you okay", Yusei watched what was happening. "yeah, sorry for tripping over you, I still got your top sis" Kamia waves it around, Yusa blushes and ran to her "give it back". Yusei looked at them "girls settle down now behave or else no desert later", Yusaku chuckled softly and laid back down. "she got my top" Yusa whines loudly, Kamia pouts. Yusei looked at them "Kamia give it back now", Yusaku watched as she was amused. Kamia gave Yusa's top back, Yusa took the towel off and put her top on "thank you twin sis".

Yusei sighed as he laid back down and fell asleep, Yuri and Yugo came as they talked with Jack and Jaden about dueling. "wait aren't they duelist" Yusa looks at them, "so you are" Kamia looks at Yusaku. Yusaku nodded and looked at them, Jaden was giving advice while Jack...well he didn't push them away. "I heard Jay say they had a baby girl with pink and blue hair" Yusa thinks then looks at Yusaku, Yusaku was eating Yuri's food as she stared straight at him. "you ok" Yusa looks at her, Yusaku nodded "just taunting my old man". Yusa giggles, Yusei was digging a hole. Yusa looks at her dad confused, Yusei laid in it. Yusa looks at him "what are you doing", Yusei looked at her "nothing" "let us know if you find anything" Yusa walks back Yusaku.

Yusei dug more and found a crab, Jaden laughed "look its Yusei's real child". Yusa looks and digs next to him, there was another crab. Yusa puts it in a basket and digs more, there was shells. Yusa puts them in the basket and kept digging wondering if she could find a merfolk egg, the crab got out of the bucket and clamped it claw on her tail. Yusa yelps running around, everyone watched. Yusa smacked it with her shoe whimpering "get off", the crab didn't let go. Yusa whimpers smacking it harder "let go that hurts", it finally let go and left. Yusa went back to her hole digging trying to look for a merfolk egg, Yusei watched her and chuckled. Yusa whines and walks to the tide pool and digs there, Yusei smirked and nudged her into the water.

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