Chapter 1

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Your P.O.V

It was only five p.m but already pitch black outside, night comes faster in the winter. I was walking home from my after-school club (anime club), I tried walking home as quick as I could because I didn't like being alone in the dark.

I'm nearly home now, only about two more minutes away, I speed up my pace and turn the corner. I bump into someone, I stumble backwards but he catches me by the arm. I look up and see Light Yagami the boy with best grades and looks in our school, I always tried not to stare at him in classes.

I blushed then stood up and started apologising immediately," I-I'm so sorry I was in a hurry I didn't look where I was going".

His brown eyes gazed into my (E/C) ones. He chuckled slightly then replied," That's alright! Hey you're
(Y/N) right? What are you doing out here at this time of the day?".

He knew my name! I never guessed the most popular guy around here would have known my name.

"Well.. I could ask the same of you. I've just finished an after-school club," I answered.

"Oh I see," he said.

We stood silent for a moment, I raised an eyebrow because he didn't answer why he was out. He realised this then said," I was just waiting..".

Waiting for what exactly? Has he just stood here all evening? It was freezing outside , I shivered.

"Waiting for what if you don't mind me asking," I said eventually.

It took him a while to answer. "I'm not waiting for something I was waiting for someone".

Was? If he was waiting for someone why is he still here? I then noticed him staring at me in the eyes.

"U-um who?," I asked. He suddenly took a step closer to me, with a serious expression on his face. Was he waiting for me?

"Tell me (Y/N), what do you think of Kira?" He said taking another step closer.

Kira? I wasn't sure how to answer, I wasn't exactly a supporter but I wasn't against Kira either.

"I'm not quite sure, I can see both good and bad in Kira-" he suddenly grabs my shoulders and pulls me towards his chest, squeezing me into a tight embrace. I blushed like mad.

He whispers into my ear," Please rule with me (Y/N), I admire you so much". He sniffs my hair waiting for a reply.

My face was a deep shade of red by this point. "I-I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean," I stuttered.

"(Y/N), I am Kira," he stated.

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