Bonus : memes

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Bon... C'est en anglais, mais que voulez-vous ! J'arrive mieux à faire de jeux de mots dans cette langue. Alors...

Let's dive right into it ! (bravo à ceux qui ont la ref, je vous aime de toute mon âme, parce que je me sens seule à connaître cet emo GOD)

Lukabella be like :
Annabella : you little son of a bitch
Luke : fuck, she's hot

Annabella during the fourth book:

Annabella during the fourth book:

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Annabella : it's not my husband if I kill him first 

Annabella : it's not my husband if I kill him first 

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Teresa : you know what rhymes with friday ? Wine. 
Anaël : it doesn't.
Teresa : u little

Annabella be like : i'm sorry what the fuck

Sebastian : Guys, let's go on a trip, where do you want to go ? 
Teresa : The Bahamas !
Sebastian : Don't know about that
Annabella : Let's go to hell
Annabella :
Sebastian : no

Annabella :don't tell your mother ;)
Luke : Kiss one another
Luke : *falls*

Annabella : how do you kmow what's good for me?
Sebastian: tHAT'S MY OPINION

Hélène : hey, what do you want to eat ?
Annabella : the souls of the innocents
Luke : she wants a bagel
Annabella : nooo
Luke : two bagels

*Annabella punches Leo*
Leo : I can't believe you done this

Anaël : Haven't anybody told you that you look like Beyoncé ? 
Annabella : They usually say that I look like Annabella
Anaël : Who the fuck is that
Annabella: uh, me ?

[TOME 4]L'Amour du TempsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant