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"Have you two spoken about your marriage?" Momi asks for the 6th time today.

"No we haven't. I don't think I want to" I reply back.
"You have to. The wedding is approaching fast. You two only have a month left and I have been helping with the preparations" she replies back keeping her phone on the dash board.

"Mami I don't think you should keep it there, it's not safe".
"Okay. Since I'm going to see her aunt I want you to talk to her before you leave".

"I'll try to. Where is the wedding going to be? Here in Kaduna?"
"And in Lagos and Abuja".

"No Mami I can't travel to Lagos and Abuja in three days. What are the events going to be?"
"You think I don't know you? Just stay in Kaduna. We are having the bridal shower in Lagos, kamu in Abuja and dinner here in Kaduna"

She knew he didn't like moving around a lot. He didn't want too much attention but he knew he had no choice because she's Ali Bature's daughter and he is Ibrahim Maitama's son it was expected to happen.

"I just want you two to talk and sort things out with each other. Your father never got a second wife because he knew from the beginning that he loved me and I know if you two still hate each other even after marriage you're going to end up getting married again so that at least if you and Rumaisa fight you will have someone to comfort you. Talk, I know I can't change your father's mind but I can at least try and persuade yours".

"What if mine doesn't want to be persuaded".
"Ubanka, it will" She asks.

He bursts out laughing.
"Maybe I really need to get married"
"So I can stop telling people I live with my parents"

"You know I just want you close"
"And then Fatima and Salis will be gone as well, soon"

"But after you. Remove those glasses you can't go there looking like a blind man".

"Momi, don't you think I have to look good for my bride?"
"And that looks good? The youth these days"

"I don't think a 33 year old should be described as young".
"To me you are. You've gotten so skinny"
"We're here lets go in" He says to stop the conversation.


He sat down and crossed his leg, shaking them like he always does when he sits.

"I didn't think you would really wait for me".
"Of course I would, why wouldn't I?" She asks smiling.

It's something she knows she has always been good at, faking. She did it a lot and now she's so used to it.
"Okay then. So thow have you been doing?" He asks her.
"Fine. Good. Confused and annoyed".

"I'm okay with fine and good but I want to know what confused and annoyed you".
She looks at him thinking it's you, whenever I'm around you I get confused I don't know if I should continue with this Revenge shenanigans or really move on from everything and what annoys me is the fact that I'm thinking of ending something I've worked so hard for.

"The preparations. They are exhausting".

"I know. Thankfully we leave that to our mum, sister, cousins and even aunties but I thought it's a girl's dream to plan her own wedding?" He asks remembering all the horrible moments when he had to hear Fatima fantasizing about her dream wedding. He knew every single detail about it.

"It is a bit fun"
"What do you think about this whole Lagos Abuja, Kaduna issue?"

"Issue? I planned it, I love it huge".
"You did?" His face looks a bit disappointed.

"Yeah I brought up the idea, I want it to be big. But you're going to be there right?" She asks hopefully.

"No I'm not, I'd rather stay here until the dinner"

Then he receives a call. It was Hadiza.
"I have to pick this" He tells her getting up.

Hey what's up?

I'm good. I'm here seated with Fatima and she tells me you're not home.

Yeah I went out with Momi.

Well she says I should go to your quarters but I don't think that's a good idea, just wanted to drop of something that's yours and speak to you but it's okay, I'll just drop it off we can talk whenever.

Okay wait for me, please.

I can't keep waiting, what would your mother think of me if she sees me here waiting?

Just a few minutes.

We can talk on the phone later.

Please just wait, please.

Okay but I'm leaving in twenty minutes.

Okay, let me finish up quickly.


Just wait in my apartment, before you say anything it's so you don't meet Momi like you're avoiding, you can leave through the back gate.

Okay. I'll wait.

But Hadiza don't mind my disorganized parlor or kitchen or bedroom or—-
She cuts him off.

So I shouldn't mind your disorganized apartment?

Yeah. Fatima will keep you company.

She is already.

She better not even disturb you with her dream wedding plans.

I hope so too.


She ends the call.
He went back and sat down.

"Sorry. It was an important phone call, I had to take it" He tells her putting his phone in in pocket.

"I'm sure it was. You looked serious".
He just smiles.
"So was the person you were talking to very important that you hurriedly picked it up?"
"Of course. Very important. That person helped me a lot so now it's like I'm forever indebted"

She smiles "Ofcourse"
"I should go. I have to do a few things to take care of" he gets up.

"Okay then. Wait! What about Momi?"
"Jabir is bringing her back, at least that's what anty said".

He walks away.

She sat back thinking.
So he comes here and pretends he still has feelings while he's cheating, it's not too early to use that word but it sounds despicable.

She could hear his conversation clearly, word for word. She thought he'd already dumped Hadiza and stopped contacting her but she was wrong, he still has feelings for her.


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