Chapter 10 - first races

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7:00 p.m. Safehouse. "Hey Branden, what do you think of my new car?" Ellie asked as she showed Branden her car which was a Rotor 4 Mazda RX-8. "It's a Mazda RX-8 from Rotor 4? Did you buy it from a used dealership?" I asked. "That's right. It's a Mazda RX-8 from Rotor 4 and I bought it from the Mazda Dealership. I want you to take it for a test drive later on. You don't have to test drive it now. Take some time to think about it." Ellie answered as she walked to the fridge, grabbed a water bottle, and took a sip. "Yeah, but it'll take some time for me to understand the meaning of the RX-8. I am only experienced with cars that I recently had like the M3 GTR, Carrera GT, and the Brera." I answered. "Understandable, anyway. The turf we're gonna take over is at Downtown Palmont. I'll leave Branden to race every race modes except for the drift until he gets an FR car. The Brera is a 4 wheel drive and it can't drift." Ellie said. "Well I can try to drift a 4wd. Let me try with the first drift race first." I answered. "Okay, then our first race will be a point to point which will take point at Lincoln Boulevard and I'll take on the circuit event at Main Street. Each one of us will race against two races on their turfs. When the boss tries get out attention, we'll have our leader pick which one is gonna race the boss. When that person beats their leader, we take over their turfs and it's ours. We've got Bushido's Gavin, 21st street's Karina and TFK's Cody are the leaders of their crews. One of us that is racing will run each of the races and when they challenge us, we're gonna win. So I'll race on those two races. They haven't seen how we race. As what Letty said, we will not do anymore time trials from now on. We don't want to show our opponents and the crowd on how we drive. We're gonna go up against tougher opponents, so we have to try to pull this off from our heads, skills and technique." Ellie said. "Me and Letty will race later on, we'll take on the race wars too. Then all of us will race on the Silverton turf." Adena answered. "Alright, then let's get started." I said as I got in the car and Ellie got in her car. Lincoln Boulevard. "Okay, try to go hard on the last part Ellie. For now, just pace yourself and try not to wipe out. When we beat their leaders, one of the members may wanna race with us, so stay focused." Letty commanded. "I got it Letty, wish me the best." Ellie replied as she closed the window and Letty backed off from the car at a few yards. "Yo! We're all clear. We have a little bit of traffic but we should be able to be ready to start whenever. I'll start the countdown. On my mark, 3, 2, 1, GO!" I shouted as I held the walkie talkie. I raised my left arm counted backwards from number to number then moved my arm to down to give the signal onto starting which lead the car's to launch of the line and they blew past me. My hair blew by their tire smokes. "Yeah, you can do it! Go Ellie!" Jordan exclaimed.  "Here's go the corner." Ellie said as she attacked the first corner from the outside while her opponents were on the inside line. Ellie was in 4th place. "Wow, looks like she's in the zone. Not to mention we haven't raced here before and we haven't done any time trials here. All we can do here is practice only maybe or I can look up the courses on the computer." Letty suggested as she saw Ellie attacking the corners and brought out the lap top. "As long as Ellie can keep her pace up, she should do fine." Jordan answered. The race was 65% complete. "There's a trail, use it!" Ellie said in her mind as she drove to an off-road trail shortcut that was part of the race that her opponents didn't see it. After she crossed the trail she passed the 3 cars in front of her and she went 100% until the end. Ellie braked into the last corner with a braking drift and she saw another alleyway which was another shortcut that lead to the finish line. She moved her thumbs and pressed both of the nozzle buttons for maximum power and boost. Ellie crossed the finish line, deactivated the nos and she performed some donuts. "The RX-8 won the race! It crossed the finish line with nos and she created donuts!" The guy exclaimed as he called on his walkie talkie. "I knew she could win it, good call. Check back with me in a few." I answered. A RX-8 came back to the start to meet up with the group which was Ellie in the car. "Great job, Ellie! The way how you entered that first corner was amazing and you made a move at a park trail that helped you pass your three opponents was another awesome move." Jordan said as he gave a high five to Ellie. "The way how the car attacked it for me was a save and I knew I could pull this off, but these other races are gonna get tougher and tougher just like how they were back in Rockport. Now things are gonna start to heat up." Ellie answered. Minutes later, Ellie and I were driving back to a safehouse but then when we were gonna make a turn, a few cars with a livery called Bushido blocker us and the leader was driving up to me. "I heard you were back in town, now that I wanna hear you're gone." Gavin said as he opened his window and drove off. "Ignore him, he's just trying to mess with your head." Ellie commanded. I remained silent for a few moments. After a few races. We drove off and then encountered the same cars that we saw from earlier. "I don't know what is more pathetic. Your crew, or your car." Gavin said as he drove off again and his crew. "This guy's a jerk. We're not pathetic at all right, we're gonna take him down once all of these territories are conquered by us!" I said. "I agree, he's going down!" Ellie answered. Gold Valley Run. "Ladies and gentlemen, here comes the countdown! 3, 2, 1, GO!" The starter exclaimed as she started the countdown. The RX-8 had a faster start than every other car that had the slow start.

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