Chapter 1: Saved

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I lay there beaten and injured, clinging to the side of my stomach, groaning in pain as blood slowly oozed out. The air was cold and dry as the night breeze blew the falling snow around me, I started to cry as I became lost in thought of the people I love dearly. A twig snapped in the distance, tearing me out of my thoughts. "H-hello?.." I asked, cold and afraid. Then I heard it, I heard him. The hair on my skin stood up as my face became deathly white. "So, this is where you ran off too." The man's voice was raspy and low. I tried to back away from him, but was stopped by a large tree. He chuckled as he came into view, smiling. "It's no use, hon. Just give up. You're going to die sooner or later night. Either by me or bleeding out by that large gash in the side of your stomach." His twisted smile grew on his face as he kneeled in front out me, grabbing my jaw violently making me whimper in response. "It's a shame. I was going to have some fun with you, but now you are no use. Well it was there any last words you would like to say, hon?" He brought his knife into view and lightly ran it across my cheek. I groaned before looking him in the eye and said. "Go to hell you sadistic prick!" He clicked his tongue before holding me down by my throat as he brought the knife above his head and swung it down fast, I closed my eyes waiting for the blade to make contact with my chest. Eventually I opened my eyes to see him struggling with another man. This man was around my age and had raven black hair that slightly covered his right eye, bright blue eyes, a black hoodie with the hood pulled over his head, a black mask covering his month, black jeans and sneakers. He pulled the man off of me without effort and with fast reflexes takes the knife away before throwing the man against a tree, knocking him out. The man with bright blue eyes walked up to me and kneeled down, examining the gash in my stomach. I swallowed hard wondering what he was going to do as I stared at him. He looked up and made eye contact. "It's alright. I'm gonna help you, (Y/N)." My eyes widened as he said my name. "H-how do you know my name?.." he didn't answer as he placed his hands directly above my wound and closed his eyes. "Wh-what are you-the hell?.." I looked down at my stomach and saw a soft golden glow coming from his hands. 'He's healing me??' I thought to myself as I laid there in shock. Soon he lowered his hands and opened his eyes, looking at me. "You will be alright now." I could only stare at him, too shocking to say anything to my masked hero. He chuckles softly as he held out his hands to me. I hesitantly placed mine in his as he helped me onto my feet, I stumbled almost falling, but was caught in his arms. "Whoa easy, (Y/N). You are too cold and still weak to walk, I'll get you home." He picked me up bridal-style, then in a flash we were out of the woods and in my backyard. He went to the front of my house and managed to ring the doorbell. Soon my mother answered the door before tearing up, full of shock. "Oh god, (Y/N)! What happen?!" I open my mouth to speak but was interrupted by the masked man. "I found her in the woods. She can't walk and she is ice cold. May I bring her inside?" My mother nodded and moved aside for him to walk in, with me still in his arms he turned around and face her. "Where would you like me to lay her down?" He asked with a gentle and polite tone, my mother walked into the living room and moved some papers and the TV remotes from the couch. "Right here, on the couch please. I'll be right back, (Y/N). I'm going to get some blankets and a fresh pair of clean clothes." She ran upstairs as the masked man gently sat me down on the couch. "Who are you?..." I suddenly asked him. He sighed and looked around, as if he was keeping a huge secret. "My name is Vincent..." He looked at me for a moment before standing up as my mother came back with a few warm blankets, 2 pairs of socks, a dark green sweat-shirt, and black sweatpants. "I have to go." Vincent looked at me again before heading to the door to leave, but is stopped by my mother. "Wait! Are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner as a thanks for bringing my daughter back home?" She offered with a warm smile.
Vincent sighed and shook his head. "No, thank you. I'm grateful of your kindness but I must leave. Thank you of the kind offer though." And with that he opened the door and left, leaving me and my mother.

(-Time Skip-)

After getting dressed into warm clothes and eating dinner I went upstairs and took a warm relaxing bath, then went into my room and wrote in my diary about the event and the masked man who goes by the name, Vincent. "..I never got to thank him.." I muttered to myself as I laid down and fell asleep.

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