Chapter 8: A relaxing day

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A couple weeks has gone by since William broke into the house and him somehow still being alive after his heart was ripped out, Vincent has become more protective of me. Though I am liking that we are getting closer to each other and getting use to things, but it can be a bit aggravating when he walks with me everywhere I go. I mean I get it, he is my guardian angel, but I'm getting annoyed with him following me everywhere.

"Vincent, can we talk?" I start going up the stairs and head to my room as he looks up. "Well I mean I'll be up in a few second." He smiles, I frowned. "No, now." I demanded, he sighs and heads up the stairs. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" He asked tilting his head slightly. I sit on the bed and cross my arms. "I want to talk about you being a little too overprotective and clingy. I mean don't get me wrong here, I'm glad you are just trying to do you job and protect me and all, but following me everywhere I's just, you need to stop.." I furrowed my brows as he sighs, brushing his black hair from his face. "Yeah...I-I'm sorry, you're right, I just don't want you to get hurt again..." He walks up and sits beside me. I start to feel like I'm making him feel bad for doing his job. 'Why do I feel like this?...' I clear my thoughts and my throat as I shook my head slightly. "I'm not trying to make you feel like shit Vincent...I swear I...I just want you to kinda back off a little, I mean you won't let me leave just to go around the block without you..stuff like that just needs to stop, I want you around and all because you are awesome to be around and kind, funny, and just a great guy, but sometimes I could use some time alone..." I feel my face getting hot and glance at the mirror to see my face a bright pink. 'What the fuck?! Why is my face red?! Am I blushing?!' I thought as I kept my composure and hugged Vincent. "It's okay, (Y/N). I understand...I'll try not to be so clingy, but I'll be worried.." he chuckles a bit, making me smile. "Okay.." I giggle. He gets up and heads back downstairs.

(~Time Skip, evening~)

Vincent and I decided to make dinner together, he goes and sets the table while I stay in the kitchen and finish making the gravy. I put it in a bowl and head into the dining room with it, then gently set the bowl onto the table. "We have everything?" Vincent asked, I nodded. Soon my mother came into the dining, covering her mouth in shock. "What's all this? I was going to make dinner for you kids." Both Vincent and I shrug as we smiled at her. She shakes her head and we all take a seat and start eating. After everyone finished my mother smiles. "You guys did very well with dinner tonight, thank you." I smiled and hugged my mother before taking her plate, along with mine into the kitchen, putting them into the sink. Vincent put his plate in the sink as well as I began to walk back into the dining room before slipping and falling backwards, but was caught just before my body touched the ground. I look up and smile to see Vincent holding me as I stood up and rugged the back of my neck. "I'm sorry.." he just smiles as he brushes my hair out of my face. "Don't apologize, you're fine." We stood there for a moment before I heard someone clearing their throat. "Am I interrupting something?" My mother smirks at us as we look away from each other. "Uh..n-no mom, I just..I slipped and Vincent caught me that's all..yeah.." I quickly walk out of the kitchen to avoid her from embarrassing me.

(~Time Skip, night~)

I sat in my bed, playing OXENFREE as I kept replaying what my mother said earlier. "Am I interrupting something?" What did she mean by that? There wasn't anything going on. I shake my head and continue playing when I hear a knock on my door. I paused my game and yelled. "Come in!" The door opened and Vincent walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. "How are you?" He asked as he sat down in front of me. "Meh, okay I guess. Why?" I tilt my head a bit, he shrugs. "Just wondering. Hey what was that about? With your mom?" I sighed as he raised a brow at me, curiously. "I really don't know. I've been thinking about it for a while." I shrug as the room goes silent between me and him. Soon he breaks the silence. "So yeah..well I should uh...I should probably head to bed...Goodnight, (Y/N)." He then leans in and gently kisses me on the cheek before standing up and leaving my room, smiling. I sit there a little shocked as I place my hand over the spot he kissed my cheek. 'What was that for?'

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